scales of justice

Why shareholder lawsuits are bad news for competitors

When a company is sued by shareholders, other companies in the same industry often see a drop in their own stock price and start to behave more transparently, presumably to avoid similar lawsuits.
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How to deal with annoying coworkers in the office

Before you cringe too hard about your troublesome coworker, take a beat and get curious about your reactions to them, suggests Michele Williams, professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business.
Shared Sisterhood cover with plant coffee pen and notebook

Shared Sisterhood is the new Lean In

In the aftermath of the #MeToo movement, Babson College Associate Professor Tina Opie emailed Tippie’s Beth Livingston and brought up the question: why haven’t Black and white women made larger collective advances in the workplace? To answer that question, they wrote the book "Shared Sisterhood."
Shared Sisterhood cover with plant coffee pen and notebook

Shared Sisterhood is the new Lean In

In the aftermath of the #MeToo movement, Babson College Associate Professor Tina Opie emailed Tippie’s Beth Livingston and brought up the question: why haven’t Black and white women made larger collective advances in the workplace? To answer that question, they wrote the book "Shared Sisterhood."
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Is autonomous trucking the future?

To some degree, autonomous trucks could replace drivers, but there’s already a sizable shortage in the labor market. Instead, supply chain experts like Tippie's Ann Campbell see autonomous trucks as improving the quality of life of drivers and making the job more enjoyable.

Rebranding RTO: Why companies coin names for their hybrid-work plans

Accenture, 3M, and other companies have come up with fancy monikers for their flexible policies — but it’s not easy trying to appease workers, bosses and clients alike.
stock quotes

Study finds ETFs have significant cost advantages over mutual funds

Financial experts have debated for years the merits of passively managed mutual funds versus exchange traded funds (ETFs) as investment tools. A new study from the University of Iowa finds ETFs have several advantages for investors over mutual funds.
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Study: Quarterly earnings guidance accuracy is overestimated

A study from Tippie's Paul Hribar found that chief financial officers overestimate their ability to issue accurate earnings guidance.
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What do CFOs think of earnings guidance?

A new study from the University of Iowa finds that financial officers expect to continue issuing quarterly earnings guidance to analysts and investors despite risks and the criticism that it encourages short-term thinking from managers. The survey also found that many of them seriously overestimate their ability to issue accurate earnings guidance.
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What do Brittany Spears' perfume, Ghiradelli chocolate, and Toms Shoes have in common? They all use this overlooked sales strategy.

Customers want their experience to be as close to what the founder intended as possible.