Master of Finance tuition and fees

 IOWA RESIDENT TUITION AND FEESNon-resident tuition AND fees
PER SEMESTER$12,791$19,054

All tuition and fees reported here are for planning purposes only. The exact cost to you may vary based on tuition fluctuations, fee changes, scholarships, awards, or financial assistance to which you are entitled. See tuition/fee details in the University Registrar's tuition tables (select the drop-downs as shown below).

dropdown example

Criteria for determining residency are specified by the University of Iowa Office of the Registrar.

Scholarships and financial assistance

The Master of Finance program has a limited number of scholarship aid packages available for high merit students admitted to the program. Preference may be given to candidates with:

  • 12+ months of post-graduate work experience
  • Academic success metrics:
    • Cumulative GPA of 3.50 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher
    • GMAT (or GRE equivalent) score of 600 or higher

Apply by the priority deadline of December 15 to be eligible for one of the scholarship awards. No additional scholarship application is necessary. Later applicants will be considered for scholarships if funds are available.

The Master of Finance Program does not offer full tuition scholarships. All applicants must be prepared to fully self-fund their program.

Alternative sources

We encourage applicants to apply for both scholarships and non-UIOWA grants for STEM-designated graduate programs to help offset the cost of tuition. In addition, all students are encouraged to research and apply for third-party scholarships to this STEM-certified degree program. Specific scholarships and funding assistance may be available through private businesses, current employers, local, state and federal government programs, professional organizations, endowed foundations, and other organizations.

Graduate student financial aid

Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid's graduate student financial aid page for information about financial aid at the University of Iowa.

Payment options and payment plans

There are several ways to pay your tuition bill, from automatic deduction to paying in installments. See all the options on the University Billing Office website.

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