A message from our Associate Dean for Research

Welcome to research at the Tippie College of Business.

From its inception to today, Tippie places a high premium on the thought leadership provided by a dynamic, productive, and engaged faculty. Researchers in our six departments have a proven track record of creating new knowledge that moves their field forward, while also engaging constructively with businesses and other external partners to advance the state of business practice.

Here, you’ll encounter demonstrated research success such as:

  • world-class records of academic impact in areas like accounting and management;
  • timely results from young faculty in areas like risk management (finance) and human decision making (marketing);
  • contributions to large-scale interdisciplinary research in healthcare, climate change, and emergency management in business analytics and economics;
  • the world’s only real-money academic research market, the Iowa Electronic Markets;
  • impactful engagement with corporations, non-profits, regulatory agencies, etc. around the globe.

Tippie’s research mission drives the state of knowledge from Iowa to the world. Whether you’re a prospective student or faculty member, academic peer, or potential new partner, feel free to reach out to us if you have questions, or if you want to get involved.

Nick Street

Nick Street

Associate Dean for Research and PhD Programs
Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Business Analytics

12 %

More peer reviewed articles per faculty member in the last five years

# 11

Most productive management faculty

TAMUGA Rankings, Pubs/Faculty, 2021


Countries represented by our PhD students

Research seminars and speaker series

Behavioral Research seminars

This series provides a forum for faculty and PhD students who conduct behavioral research to present and discuss their current projects in a low-pressure environment.

See upcoming seminars

Research Methods seminars

This series provides faculty and PhD students in Business Analytics, Economics, and Finance with opportunities to successfully introduce methods, while offering new insights for more experienced researchers.

See upcoming seminars

Departmental seminars

Each year, several of our academic departments invite influencers and scholars from around the nation to speak to faculty and students. Our current lineup includes:

Faculty research news

report card

How to use GPAs when hiring new employees

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
A new study from the Tippie College of Business shows that, in general, the better people perform in school, the better they tend to perform at work.
person pointing to financial information on computer monitor

When private equity buys public firms to help them grow

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Private equity firms are often likely to target publicly traded firms that more aggressively manage their earnings to meet analysts’ quarterly expectations because it's easier to add value by investing in them afterward.
frustrated woman with hands over face

When the boss doesn't want to hear about your stress

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Employees who struggle with stress on the job will often get help from mental health and stress management resources provided by their employers. But a new study from the Tippie College of Business finds that when stress causes an employee to become disengaged from their work and their performance suffers, managers are less likely to provide the resources that might help.
speech bubble with incoming text elipsis

Say Less?

Friday, November 8, 2024
Should CEOs involve themselves in social and political issues?
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Study shows when media attention gets hot, companies often cut back on lobbying

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
A Tippie resarcher dug into the subject of how companies adjust lobbying efforts when responding to negative news.