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Intimate Partner Violence at Work

Tippie Leads | Season 1 | Episode 7

Research: Beth Livingston | Story: Anonymous Tippie Student

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Warning: This episode discusses themes of intimate partner violence, which may be distressing for some listeners. Please prioritize your well-being and take care as you listen.

Intimate partner violence is often perceived as a private issue. But in reality, it affects virtually every aspect of a victim’s life, including their work life. So, what role can organizations can play in the understanding and prevention of intimate partner violence?

Tippie's Beth Livingston will help us understand why intimate partner violence is a workplace issue and what organizations can do to prevent it and support employees who experience it. After that, we'll hear a story from a Tippie student in our graduate and profesisonal programs, who has struggled with this very issue. And finally, we’ll bring it all together with final TIP-y just for you.

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Episode guests

Portrait of Beth A. Livingston.

Beth Livingston

Ralph L. Sheets Associate Professor of Industrial Relations