shared sisterhood book cover

Balancing power imbalances at work

Beth Livingston’s new book “Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work” offers a plan to change business culture.

A five-factor framework to strengthen global cooperatives

More than 12% of the world’s population is employed by a co-op, but because the growth of co-ops differs from one country to the next, a new study from Tippie has identified some of the factors that determine how receptive a country is to that form of organization and the role it plays in its success.
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Let’s stop talking about work-life balance

After researching it for 20 years, Tippie's Beth Livingston has learned that work-life balance doesn’t exist. She has some tips on how to instead "manage" or "integrate" the different parts of your life.
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New study from Tippie and Frontier Co-op on strengthening global co-ops

Cooperative organizations play a vital role within the global economy, employing millions of workers and sustaining communities around the world. A new study from the Tippie College of Business and Iowa-based Frontier Coop can help current and future co-ops to become stronger and further their global impact. 
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SPACs have less reliable financial reporting, UI study finds

Acquisitions made with a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) are more likely to have mistakes in their financial statements than a traditional initial public offering (IPO), University of Iowa researcher Ryan Wilson said on The Voice of Corporate Governance podcast.

MBA rankings rely on deeply flawed methodologies and data, business school faculty claim

Deans and professors from business schools across the U.S. say MBA rankings disproportionately reflect business schools and place too much weight on aspects like compensation. Hear from Tippie Professor Ken Brown on the topic.
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Should you disclose your second job to your supervisor?

If you are holding down a second job, data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows you’re not alone. According to that data, more than 8% of workers have multiple jobs, and the majority of them hold two jobs for the entire year. The question isn’t really, “Should I have a second job?” but “Should I tell my boss that I’m working on the side?”
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How to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur and small-business owner

Small-business owners may be particularly at risk of burnout. Here are 3 ways to avoid and beat burnout, including writing a 'don't do' list. Hear from Michele Williams in this Business Insider story.
Phone screen with text: Finish this sentence: A year from now, I want to... And a reply bubble indicating someone is writing back..

Finish this sentence: A year from now, I want to...

If you’re an alum reading this story, you already know that a Tippie degree helps start your career on the right foot. But you may not realize how many ways Tippie can fuel the next steps in your career.
Two halfs of the brain

To retire well, you need to look at your life holistically

Tippie professors Amy Colbert and Erik Lie are here to help make financial and emotional readiness decisions whether you're ten, five, or just one year away from retirement.