Dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge

Tippie College of Business is dedicated to sharing our research with the world. Our multiple seminar series brings together esteemed scholars, faculty, and researchers from across the campus and across the globe to share their work in all of our disciplines.

Join us to discuss some of the most important topics in business research.

Upcoming seminars

Clarence Tow Lecture in Economics: Econometrics Mini Conference

Friday, April 25, 2025 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pappajohn Business Building
This event will explore the latest research and applications in econometrics. This conference will feature distinguished keynote speakers and engaging discussions. RSVP to Suyong Song ( or Jeremy McIntosh ( by Friday, April 4.

Tow Lecture in Economics: Yichen Su

Monday, April 28, 2025 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Pappajohn Business Building
Yichen Su is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Southern Methodist University.

Tow Lecture in Finance: Richard Thakor

Friday, May 2, 2025 10:30am to 12:00pm
Pappajohn Business Building
Richard Thakor is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Minnesota.

Tow Lecture in Economics: Marco Battaglini

Monday, May 5, 2025 2:00pm to 3:15pm
Pomerantz Center
Marco Battaglini is a Professor of Economics at Cornell University.

Tow Lecture in Finance: Benjamin Golez

Friday, May 9, 2025 10:30am to 12:00pm
Pappajohn Biomedical Discovery Building
Benjamin Golez is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Notre Dame and a Faculty Fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Global Investing.
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Past seminars

Business Analytics Guest Lecture: David Woodruff - Computational Issues in Stochastic Programming for Management Problems

Friday, September 9, 2022 11:00am to 12:00pm
Pappajohn Business Building
David Woodruff is a professor at the University of California-Davis Graduate School Management. Speaker bio and abstract.

Business Analytics Guest Lecture: Stephen Wright - Optimization Theory and Practice

Friday, August 26, 2022 11:00am to 12:00pm
Pomerantz Center
Stephen Wright, professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison conducts research in computational optimization and its applications to data science and many other areas of science and engineering. Speaker bio and abstract.
UNI - John Deere Symposium on Machine Learning promotional image

UNI - John Deere Symposium on Machine Learning

Friday, April 22, 2022 9:50am to 2:00pm
The symposium will be held at the University of Northern Iowa, Maucker Union, Rooms A & B for those who want to attend in person and online via Zoom for anyone who wants to attend virtually. You must register to receive the link to the virtual event. Registration is free and open to industry professionals, academic faculty and students interested in the fields of data science, analytics, computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering, and business. University of Iowa Computer Science...

Stephanie Arne: Keynote Speaker for the One Sustainable Iowa Conference

Saturday, April 9, 2022 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Pappajohn Business Building
Registration is now open for the 2022 One Sustainable Iowa Conference, which will take place on Saturday, April 9th from 9am-4pm on the University of Iowa campus. The goal of the Conference is to connect students throughout Iowa who have interests in sustainability. All students, faculty, and staff from any higher ed institution in Iowa are invited to attend this Conference. Information about the Conference can be found here: Current University of Iowa...

Decision Making under Uncertainty: An Optimization Perspective

Friday, March 4, 2022 3:30pm to 4:20pm
MacLean Hall
Speaker: Beste Basciftci, Dept. of Business Analytics
Colloquium - Programming Languages Techniques for Controlling Generalization Errors in Adaptive Data Analysis promotional image

Colloquium - Programming Languages Techniques for Controlling Generalization Errors in Adaptive Data Analysis

Friday, October 22, 2021 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Speaker Marco Gaboardi (Boston University) Abstract Data analysts aim at guaranteeing that the result of a data analysis run on sample data does not differ too much from the result one would achieve by running the analysis over the entire population. To achieve this goal, they have developed several techniques to control the generalization errors of their data analyses. In this talk, I will discuss how programming language techniques can help data analysts to design adaptive data analyses...

Behavioral Research Seminar Series

This series provides a forum for faculty and PhD students who conduct behavioral research to present and discuss their current projects in a low-pressure environment.

Business Analytics Guest Lecturer Seminar Series

Join us to hear from high-profile business analytics researchers.

Clarence Tow Lectures in Economics

Scholars from both the private and public sectors present to economics faculty and students roughly once a week during the academic year.

Clarence Tow Lectures in Finance

Top finance researchers present at Tippie to faculty, PhD students, and researchers from the University of Iowa.

Research Methods Seminar Series

This series provides faculty and PhD students in Business Analytics, Economics, and Finance with opportunities to successfully introduce methods, while offering new insights for more experienced researchers.