Linda Baker (BA68)
May 9, 1946 – December 27, 2023
Tippie Society Member
A lively storyteller and passionate Hawkeye, Linda and her husband, Dale Baker (BBA68), provided support for the Colleges of Business, Education, and Public Health, as well as for women’s basketball, Hancher Auditorium, and UI Libraries. She served on the Center for Advancement and College of Education advisory boards, and she received both the International Impact and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Iowa.

Valdean Lembke
November 21, 1935 – February 27, 2024
Emeritus Professor of Accounting
Following a three decade-long career as an award-winning professor and chair of the Department of Accounting, Lembke served on the University of Iowa Emeritus Faculty Council and the Senior College board. A passionate volunteer, Lembke also served on the Iowa City Free Medical Clinic board and was named Outstanding Volunteer by the University of Iowa Retirees Association.

Gerald Nordquist (PhD60)
April 1, 1930 – January 26, 2024
Emeritus Professor of Economics
A U.S. Air Force veteran whose love of economics grew from attending the London School of Economics on a Rotary Foundation fellowship, Nordquist particularly enjoyed learning and teaching about the history and evolution of communist economies. In addition to teaching, he and his wife, Carol, generously established scholarships at the University of Iowa for economics undergraduate students as well as speech-language pathology graduate students.

Robert Solow
August 23, 1924 – December 21, 2023
Former Tippie Advisory Board Member
Solow was a Nobel Prize-winning economist who helped shape the M.I.T. style of economic analysis, which applied the power of mathematics to economic debates. He went on to train future Nobel winners Peter Diamon, Joseph E. Stiglitz, William D. Nordhaus, and George A. Akerlof. He was also the father of Tippie Emeritus Professor of Economics John L. Solow.
Eva J. Dawson (BA33)
Virgil Counsell (BSC49)
Virginia R. Padovan (BSC41/MA49)
Kenneth A. Smith (BSC49)
William A. Walzem (BSC47)
Rodney E. Behr (BSC58)
Joan Y. Bittner (BSC55)
Donald L. Bohlken (BSC52)
Robert D. Bolstad (BSC58)
Robert C. Brandenburg (BSC58)
Alfred P. Breitbach, Jr. (MA50)
Harry G. Bryant (BSC59)
Delmer E. W. Denker (BSC54)
Robert D. Fulton (BSC52)
Ray L. Galler (BSC55)
William S. Gleason (BSC54)
Brownlie E. Graham (BSC58)
Robert D. Groom (BSC55)
James D. Hatch (BSC55)
John J. Holmberg (BSC51)
H. Byron Kruse (BSC52)
Richard J. Lemek (BSC59)
Richard L. Lofton (BSC53)
Ronald T. Michaelson (BSC58)
Richard E. Miller (BSC53/MA54)
Donald K. Nelson (BSC59)
Jack W. Nielsen (BSC59)
William R. Palmer (BSC51)
Fred J. Palumbo (BSC56)
W. (Bill) James Robison (BSC53)
Gene G. Sprout (BSC57)
Gerald C. Sterns (BSC54)
Jerry A. Thaden (BSC58)
George W. Vieth (BSC53)
Janet K. Wollenhaupt (BSC51)
George B. Woodard, Jr. (BSC51)
Les V. Zanotti (BSC58)
Richard L. Dichtelmiller (BBA64)
Glenn L. Eaton (BBA63)
Forrest E. Gorkowski (BBA60)
Richard L. Gruber (BBA66)
Kennes C. Huntley (PhD67)
Dr. Gerald H. Kramer (MA66)
Terrance A. Krejci (BBA68)
Michael B. McMurry (MBA69)
Solveig W. Moore (BBA66)
Robert L. Moul (BBA67)
James E. O'Malley, Sr. (BBA65)
Michael M. Phelan (BBA62)
Dell L. Pooler (BBA62)
Matthew A. Rosenstein (BBA67)
Clair D. Rowe (PhD67)
Delmar D. Ryan (MA65)
Richard L. Schanze (BBA62)
James R. Schulze (BBA69)
Merrill E. Sivill (BBA62)
James H. Sperfslage (BBA67)
Patrick J. Strabala (BBA68)
Robert E. Waterhouse (BBA61)
John M. Wilson (BBA61)
Richard M. Yock (BBA65)
Douglas Young (BBA64/MBA95)
Dean S. Arney (MBA70)
Donald L. Breneman (BBA70)
Robert J. Birch (BBA78)
Robert J. Bradley (PhD70)
Robert V. Butterfield (MBA75)
Duane F. Chamberlain (BBA77)
Philip L. Clevenger (BBA70)
Terrill F. Cowell (BBA72)
Thomas J. Davis (BBA76)
Ray A. Edlund (MBA70)
Jerry L. Erickson (BBA73)
Scott B. Garske (BBA78)
John A. Gross (BBA70)
James A. Haddad (BBA79)
Thomas H. Havemann (BBA72)
M. Colleen Jones (BBA72)
Richard G. Kleine (MBA70)
Terry A. Leuthauser (BBA71)
Susan L. Naley-Mackin (BBA75)
Gary S. Polansky (BBA76)
Leland C. Rath (BBA73)
Ann C. Riekena (BBA78)
Terry C. Rodabaugh (BBA70)
Terrence L. Scheetz (BBA74)
William J. Schoeben (BBA71)
David A. Sprague (PhD75)
Daniel A. Staker (MBA72)
C. A. Teklinski (BBA72)
Cornelius W. Thornton (BBA71)
Thomas L. VanDaele (MBA71)
Larry D. Venenga (BBA72)
Vernon W. Wittler (MBA72)
Brandt E. Yocom (BBA75)
William J. Anderson, Jr. (BBA82)
James P. Caffrey (BBA87)
Timothy B. Cook (BBA88)
Carol D. Einertson (BBA81)
Cindy K. Guinn (BBA88)
Mark W. Harvell (MBA89)
Arlene R. Herlein (MA80)
Richard M. Hyman, Jr. (MBA86)
Christopher J. Lowman (MA85)
Thomas E. Niehus (BBA85)
Joyce A. Patterson (BBA84)
Kevin P. Pedelty (BBA82)
Charles S. Miller (BBA86)
Kerry B. Mohr Weaver (BBA85)
Scott M. Schwartz (BBA80)
Andrew R. Spicher (BBA88)
John P. Tamisiea (BBA87)
Dohn T. Armon (BBA92)
David R. Beney (BBA91/MA92)
Troy H. Ellis (BBA91)
Jacquelyn A. Ellison (BBA93)
Terri Jo Erickson (MBA96)
E. Dean Fick (MBA90)
Dennis L. Hochstedler (BBA90)
Kevin J. Lewerke (BBA94)
David W. Morse (BBA94)
Dennis D. Ringgenberg (MBA93)
Jay A. Scott (BBA97)
JoAnne M. Tubbs (MBA94)
Gregory D. Buchanan (BBA05)
Ashley E. Manning (BBA02)
Nathan A. Tefft (BBA00)
Kenton P. Zelle (MBA05)
Colin J. Groeneveld (BBA13)
Alison C. Kessler (BBA10)
Nicholas J. Schlarmann (CER15)