Valdean C. Lembke
November 21, 1935 – February 27, 2024
Valdean (Val) C. Lembke of McGregor, Iowa, passed away in February, aged 88. An emeritus professor, Lembke was a two-time department chair and former director of the Professional Program in Accounting. Though he officially retired from Tippie in 2001, he continued teaching when the department was short-staffed. Lembke was the first recipient of the Gilbert P. Maynard Excellence in Accounting Instruction Award, receiving the honor in 1982. He was also the author of the well-regarded textbook Advanced Financial Accounting.

William J. Pohlmann
July 19, 1938 – Nov. 23, 2023
William J. Pohlmann (BBA60) of Monroe Township, N.J, passed away last year at the age of 85. A career working for the accounting department of the New York Central Railroad was derailed when he was called up to active duty as an Army infantry officer less than a year after graduation. Pohlmann later worked for Chase Manhattan Bank, where he retired as a vice president. In retirement, Pohlmann served his community as a village trustee, deputy mayor, and fire commissioner.

John P. Tamisiea (BBA87)
Aug. 21, 1964 - May 26, 2024
John P. Tamisiea (BBA87) of Wilmette, Ill., passed away at the age of 59 over the Memorial Day weekend of 2024. After earning his bachelor’s degree at Tippie, Tamisiea attended the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. He was a partner at the law firm McDermott Will & Emery in Chicago since 1990. He was a dedicated Hawkeye fan, which his family honored at his funeral by playing the “Iowa Fight Song” as his casket was led out of the church draped in a Tigerhawk flag.

Larry V. Wright
Feb. 20, 1940 – Aug. 30, 2024
Larry V. Wright (BBA63), of Naperville, Ill., passed away in August, aged 84. Wright worked for Milbank for four decades, where he managed, bought, and sold companies. Larry and his wife, Lori, were faithful donors to the Tippie College of Business, and also supported The Young Eagles, an organization that offers free first flights to children in hopes of inspiring interest in becoming pilots, and Angel Flight/Lifeline, which offers medical flights to ill children and their families.
This article appeared in the 2024 issue of Iowa Ledger.