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Fostering educational excellence in accounting
Since 1984, the institute has been devoted to encouraging high-quality research. The institute provides financial support that is critically needed to sustain and enhance our nationally prominent accounting department.
The institute sponsors activities of common interest to RSM professionals and Iowa faculty and students, including an event that welcomes Master of Accountancy (MAc) students to campus. RSM personnel meet yearly with Iowa faculty to ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of industry.
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RSM Institute Board Members

Cristi Gleason
Department Executive Officer
Carlson KPMG Professor in Accounting
Jaron Wilde
Director, RSM Institute of Accounting Education and Research and Associate Professor
Thomas and Margaret Kloet and Arthur Andersen Fellow in Accounting
Jenna Bunkers
RSM (Cedar Rapids)
Joe McCarragher
RSM (Iowa City)
Dean Price
RSM (Iowa City) - retired