Twenty-five years ago, Henry B. Tippie made a significant donation to Iowa’s business school and the college was named after him in recognition.
Henry was a huge proponent of the idea of compound returns—the cumulative effect of investments over time. To honor his ideals, join us as we check in on several programs that the college began the same year that Henry pledged support. And don’t forget, the positive returns will just keep on growing!

Hawkinson Institute
This institute is Tippie’s undergraduate investment banking program and a pipeline to Wall Street. Students apply by the end of their first year, and those accepted get transformational career support.
In 25 years, the program has served 450 high-potential students, and many now hold senior positions at banks like Goldman Sachs, Barclays, and Houlihan Lokey. Many more have moved on to prominent roles in private equity, venture capital, and corporate finance and strategy or have started up successful companies in a range of industries.
Accounting Writing & Communications Program
Piloted as an online writing assessment tool for accounting students 25 years ago, the program evolved and inspired the college to create the Judith R. Frank Business Communication Center in 2001 to reach all majors at Tippie. Today, the Accounting Writing & Communication Program works with students to hone writing, speaking, and visual presentation skills and integrates writing assignments across the accounting curriculum. Students served each semester: 400+
Poets from the Writers' Workshop make great tutors—they know brevity is an asset!
Krause Fund
Bill Krause (BA57), the co-founder of Kum & Go, donated the initial $100,000 for this undergraduate-managed fund. It is now up more than 700%, but that’s not even the coolest part. The in-depth analysis taught in Applied Equity Valuation, the class that manages the fund, gives students a portfolio that blows recruiters’ minds. Program Director Todd Houge reports that in interviews, Krause Fund students have been known to hear “I’ve never seen an undergraduate student produce this level of work,” effectively launching thousands of careers.

Institute for International Business
The IIB started in the Undergraduate Program Office, serving international students and those looking to study abroad. Executive Director Dimy Doresca has widened the scope, making it a standalone institute at Tippie that strengthens ties between the University of Iowa and communities around the world.
The IIB now offers myriad opportunities for faculty, students, and staff to cultivate a global mindset. Efforts include coordinating global internships for undergraduates (both remotely and with a pilot program in Uganda), Global Learning Opportunities for master’s level students (courses with a week-long international trip to locales like Chile, Spain, Vietnam, Kenya, Panama, and the United Arab Emirates), hosting visiting international researchers, running Iowa’s Mandela Washington Fellows Program, and providing training for international executives (like the chief justice and Supreme Court of Kenya).
Doresca and his team do all this and more in coordination with other colleges and departments at the university, including health care, law, nursing, and the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, making it both cross-campus and cross-cultural.
This article appeared in the Fall 2024 issue of Tippie Magazine.