“Oh man, so many to choose from!
Here’s mine: December 11th, 2014.
I worked as a student manager for the men’s basketball team while in college. We often scrimmaged our opponents’ managers the night before the actual teams played. All Hawkeye fans know that playing Iowa State means more; our manager game was no different. We thought it’d be funny to compile a scouting report on the Iowa State managers and send it to ESPN analyst Jay Bilas. He loved it and proceeded to tweet snippets of our report throughout the day of our game. This, combined with our own word-of-mouth promotion, led to over 100 people coming to watch us play, including Iowa Men’s Basketball Coach Fran McCaffery and members of the local media who were already at Carver covering the women’s game that had ended only hours before. The atmosphere was hilariously electric for such a silly event. Importantly, we played our (unofficial) role in the CyHawk Series by winning the game, and I was hoisted up as the game’s MVP by a group of my friends.”

Jackson Nichols (BBA17)
Senior analyst, Aavin Equity Advisors, Iowa City, Iowa
Tell us what day you would pick at tippie-magazine@uiowa.edu.
This article appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of Tippie Magazine.