
Office frustrations more likely to cause proactive employees to leave; less proactive employees will take it

A new study from the Tippie College of Business finds office politics and other workplace hindrances are apt to compel more proactive employees to leave for new work, while less proactive workers are more likely to take it.
Sales Lab

Learning to sell

A new Inside Sales Lab at the Tippie College of Business gives University of Iowa students hands-on experience in the art of sales.
Michael Cross

Forks in the road

From deciding to study Japanese while at Iowa to risking it in the startup world, Michael Cross (BBA91) has faced his share of forks in the road. Here are seven defining moments in the life of Toyota Connected North America’s CFO.
Life preserver

Saving a million lives

As is a founding team member and principal of the Laerdal Million Lives Fund, a $100M mission-driven venture capital fund investing in global healthcare technologies, Jacob Johnson (BBA06) is using finance for good.

Amazon, NSF award $800,000 to UI researchers to make AI algorithms less discriminatory

A Tippie College of Business professor has received an $800,000 grant as part of an initiative with the National Science Foundation and Amazon to make artificial intelligence algorithms less discriminatory.

Researcher asks entrepreneurs how they balance ethics while building their business

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes' recent fraud conviction made researcher Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar wonder how entrepreneurs approach ethical decisions.

New incubator helps UI graduate students start businesses

The Iowa John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (JPEC) has opened its first business incubator designed specifically for University of Iowa graduate students interested in commercializing their research.
Blockchain illustration

To invest or not invest? Blockchain and cryptocurrency Q&A

A conversation about cryptocurrency and blockchain with Tippie Professor Erik Lie and an expert alum Joel Telpner (BBA78/JD83).

Shining a light into a dark market

Foreign exchange is the largest financial market in the world, trading close to $7 trillion every day. That’s more than every other market combined, including stocks, bonds, commodities, metals, and oil. Yet few know much about how it works. Tippie’s Petra Sinagl aims to change that.

More veterans using Freedom Foundation pantry in Cedar Rapids as food prices rise

Nuray Akin, a visiting associate professor of economics at the University of Iowa says pandemic shutdowns, changing supply and demand, and labor shortages have all played a role in why food is more expensive.