Let's go! The start of the school year has the feel of fresh beginnings. Here in Iowa City the energy on campus is palpable as the next generation of Tippie students step foot on campus. Classes are underway and Saturdays are spent connecting with fellow Hawkeyes in and around Kinnick Stadium.
Many of you may be feeling that same sense of fresh beginnings. Perhaps you recently changed jobs or made a major career pivot. Maybe you bought a new house (I did!), or took a long-awaited vacation. You may even have achieved a personal milestone—in my case I successfully (albeit slowly) completed my half marathon! Maybe you made the big decision to retire and are discovering new passion projects. Wherever you are on your journey, the Tippie College of Business can be a resource for you.
Our mission to educate doesn’t end when you graduate.
Although Iowa City is where we teach 3,100 undergraduates, we have over 1,600 graduate students in locations across the state and the world. In addition to traditional students, during the pandemic we developed the Tippie Alumni Webinar Series to bring all alumni and friends access to the expertise of our faculty, staff, and fellow alumni. This free resource is just one of many ways we are working to be an asset in achieving your dreams. You can read more about this in our cover story here.
In a short period of time, we expanded the footprint of the Tippie College to serve business leaders in almost every county in Iowa, every state across the nation, and to the far corners of the world. Although our reach is broad, we work very hard to keep the distinctively Iowa combination of a connected community with a world-class education and opportunities.
Thank you for making us part of your journey.
Amy Kristof-Brown
Henry B. Tippie Dean
This article is part of the fall 2022 issue of Tippie Magazine. Alumni are invited to update their contact information with the college to be placed on the mailing list for future print editions.