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AI Optimists
These Hawkeyes are harnessing AI’s strengths to improve our health, reduce the use of harmful chemicals, and help businesses run more efficiently.
Majoring in resilience
Reflections from the "COVID Class" as they graduate.
Instilling wonder
Snapshots from Chuck Swanson's entertaining life.
Mission-driven MBA
Former Navy SEAL Luke Fenner (MBA16) is using his degree to help wounded warriors.
Tippie life kit
Expert advice to make your life better.
Time machine: Jackson Nichols (BBA17)
If you could go back to college for a day, what day would you pick?
How to: Persevere
Holmes Murphy Chairman & CEO Dan Keough (BBA91) answers Tippie's this/or/that questionnaire.
Hawkeye Pride
Kristi Roehr (BBA14/MBA16) and her husband, Kevin Farrell, at the Iowa vs. Utah State football game on Sept. 2, 2023. They were married on June 10, 2023. Roehr is a senior manager of vertical marketing at Epsilon in Chicago.
In Memoriam: Spring 2024
Remembering those we have lost.
Tippie Magazine is published semiannually for alumni and friends of the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.