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Is autonomous trucking the future?

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
To some degree, autonomous trucks could replace drivers, but there’s already a sizable shortage in the labor market. Instead, supply chain experts like Tippie's Ann Campbell see autonomous trucks as improving the quality of life of drivers and making the job more enjoyable.
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Univ. of Iowa professor: Labor shortage due to lack of participation

Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Since the pandemic, Iowa has seen worker shortages and lawmakers have been targeting the issue with different proposals and plans. However, according to Assistant Professor of Economics Emma Harrington at the University of Iowa, there is a shortage, but the overall picture right now isn’t dire.

Rebranding RTO: Why companies coin names for their hybrid-work plans

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Accenture, 3M, and other companies have come up with fancy monikers for their flexible policies — but it’s not easy trying to appease workers, bosses and clients alike.
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Stress relief tips for Iowans who are working straight through the holidays

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
While many Iowans have a big stretch of time off during the holidays, all sorts of people will be working every single day. Professor Stephen Courtright shares some suggestions on how to dial back holiday stress.
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Study: Quarterly earnings guidance accuracy is overestimated

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
A study from Tippie's Paul Hribar found that chief financial officers overestimate their ability to issue accurate earnings guidance.
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Muscatine resident selected to give student speech during UI commencement

Thursday, December 8, 2022
Tippie student Erick Saucedo will give his speech at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17, at Hancher Auditorium. He is earning a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance and accounting.
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Stores see more in-person shoppers during Thanksgiving weekend

Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Professor Nancy Abram said she believes the increase is happening because people are less concerned with COVID-19 and large crowds. She also believes people like to shop and missed the experience over the holiday weekend.
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Dealing with stress a key during the holidays

Monday, December 5, 2022
The song says this is “most wonderful time of the year,” but for many, the holidays only mean longer hours of work, heaps of bills and higher blood pressure. Professor Steve Courtright studies stress and says research finds the typical person’s stress levels bound 30- 40% during this final month of the year.
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Crypto-millionaires? Hardly. A quarter of crypto traders ‘earn less than $10,000 a year’

Monday, November 28, 2022
It’s going to be some time before we really know how badly the cryptocurrency bubble and subsequent collapse has hit the retirement savings of people who can’t really afford it.
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What do Brittany Spears' perfume, Ghiradelli chocolate, and Toms Shoes have in common? They all use this overlooked sales strategy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Customers want their experience to be as close to what the founder intended as possible.