Stay current. Leap forward.

Set yourself apart with a specialization in a dynamic, ever-changing industry.

In case you haven’t noticed, marketing has evolved. The acronyms alone can make your head hurt: CRM, PPC, CMS, LTV, GDPR, CTR, UX. Keeping up on emerging technologies is essential, but not at the expense of solid marketing fundamentals.

The Iowa MBA in Marketing includes four focused courses that integrate the new with the old. For a solid foundation, start with proven fundamentals: brand management, market research, pricing. 

Next you'll layer in the newest tools: social media marketing, customer relationship management, digital marketing, and marketing analytics. 

There’s no extra cost or extra time required—and you’ll graduate with an MBA plus a certificate in marketing.

What kind of classes are you looking for?

Concentration curriculum

Four courses are required to earn your concentration. Courses are subject to change.

Required course:

  • Marketing Management

Elective courses:

  • Digital Marketing Insights, Strategies and Applications
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Marketing Communication and Promotions
  • Product and Portfolio Strategy
  • Social Media Marketing for Business
  • Strategic Brand Positioning


See detailed course information.

Certificate-only option

You can earn the Marketing Certificates as a stand-alone credential outside of the Iowa MBA program. To get started, you must submit a separate application. You’ll need to take the required courses to complete the Marketing Certificate, and you can start in any semester that Marketing Management is offered.

See Admissions Requirements