Get ready for an inspiring two semesters

Build a solid foundation in advanced business analytics techniques while exploring your interests through electives, an internship experience, and experiential learning opportunities.

Core courses

Courses you'll take vary slightly based on the track you choose.

Advanced Analytics (BAIS:9110)

  • How did the 2001 terrorist attacks impact travel patterns and behavior in the United States? Determine hypothetical trends if the attacks had not happened using time series analysis.
  • How can I create an index fund to track a particular financial sector? Solve an optimization model to choose a representative sample of companies in which to invest.
  • How do companies use analytics? Present a case study of a large company using analytics successfully.

Advance Technical Communication (BAIS:7120)

Developing readiness for interacting with clients including status reports, balancing technicality based on audience, and delivering a presentation to an external audience about a finished work product.

Analytics Experience (BAIS:6120)

Students work in groups on a semester-long project focused on business analytics. The project covers all stages, including problem definition, data cleaning, analysis, and the final presentation. Throughout the project, students will apply tools and techniques learned from previous courses.

Applied Deep Learning (BAIS:6250)

Explore generative models & associated data mining techniques.

Pre-req - BAIS:6260 Generative AI pre-req BAIS:9100 and BAIS:6040 and BAIS:6070 and co-req BAIS:6250

Data Management (BAIS:6050)

  • Companies have troves of data – from customer spending habits to financial forecasts to investment trends. How is this information stored in databases and what tools are used to create data sets?
  • Vast amounts of data can be complex to store and manage. Is there a way to use Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and access data in relational databases?
  • What are the best ways to present data retrieved from databases?

Data Programming in Python (BAIS:6040)

  • How can I use the Python programming language to understand the principles and practices of handling, cleaning, processing, and visualizing data?
  • What basic data programming skills do I need to understand and work with data types, control structures, functions and modules, and other useful libraries for data manipulation and machine learning applications?

Data Science (BAIS:6070)

  • Will this stock price go up or down tomorrow? What about in the next 5 seconds? Identify opportunities for profitable trades.
  • Which of these people is most likely to respond to a direct marketing contact? Segment your customers for better targeting, and identify the most promising new leads.
  • What kind of approach might move a donor to a higher giving level? Conduct a design of experiments to gather the most information from your trial marketing campaign.

Managerial Communication (BAIS:7110)

Effective communication to become a successful business professional and leader; strengthen ability to speak and write confidently, competently, and effectively regardless of venue; varied team and individual presentation coaching, applied exercises.

Professional Development and Business Acumen (BAIS:9400)

  • Professional success often comes down to connections. After I graduate, and maybe before, how do I grow a professional network?
  • Who can I turn to and what sources do I need to stay up to date on current trends and activities in business analytics?
  • I’ve decided on a career in business analytics. What are some best practices and who can I turn to for guidance?

Required in two semesters (1 s.h. each semester)

Visual Analytics (BAIS:6140)

  • We’re surrounded by data. How do we effectively interpret and communicate that information?
  • When presenting data findings to a diverse group, how do I use the theoretical foundations of visual perception to communicate in a way that anyone can understand?
  • What are the best tools to effectively show data findings in charts, graphs, or other visual ways? We’ll explore Tableau, Power BI, and others.

Requirements for each sub-program

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Text Analytics (BAIS:6100)
  • Turning lead into gold. How can I convert unstructured emails, tweets, blogs, customer reviews, etc. into insights?
  • How do I identify relevant sources, harvest the data, manage large databases, and use techniques to change words into quantifiable metrics?
Social Analytics (BAIS:6105)
  • Digital interactions become more business-critical by the day. What are the best practices for the collection, management, and analysis of social data?
Generative AI (BAIS:6260)
Artificial Intelligence Technology Management
Data Management and Leadership (BAIS:6210)
  • How do I manage a team of analytics and IT professionals?
  • What are the best practices for a CIO (chief information officer) or other data manager?
Agile Project Management (BAIS:9140)
  • How do I create or participate in a successful agile work environment?
  • What are various agile methods like scrum, lean, Kanban, and XP?  
  • Learn to apply story mapping, advanced planning and estimating, and scaling methods.
Value Creation Using Artificial Intelligence (BAIS:6240)
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) can be harnessed to create value in various business sectors including AI fundamentals; frameworks for value creation.
  • What are competitive strategies using AI, the critical success factors for AI-based projects, and use cases for a various industries?
  • Are there ethical considerations of privacy, trust, and security issues related to AI?
Finance Analytics
Text Analytics (BAIS:6100)
  • Turning lead into gold. How can I convert unstructured emails, tweets, blogs, customer reviews, etc. into insights?
  • How do I identify relevant sources, harvest the data, manage large databases, and use techniques to change words into quantifiable metrics?
Managerial Finance (MBA:8180)
  • Finance majors with a minimum 3.3 major GPA or with CFA level 1.

Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions (FIN:9300)
  • Learn the underpinnings and optimization of corporations’ investment and financing decisions.
  • How do I consider firm-wide and project-specific cost of capital, optimal capital structure decisions, conduct in-depth capital budgeting methods, including real options techniques?
  • The corporate investment module of the class includes simulation analysis using Crystal Ball; cost of capital, valuation techniques, advanced capital budgeting, capital structure and dividend policy.
  • Prerequisites: MBA:8180.

Communication matters to employers—and to us

At the top of every hiring manager's list: data-savvy professionals who can work the numbers to draw conclusions and clearly communicate their results. Our employer partners tell us that most analysts fall far short in this regard.

We target this skill gap with a unique model: pairing a Business Communication course with a technical course every Spring semester. In the Fall, the Business Communication course will be a stand-alone. By the end of semester three, you'll be able to clearly show that you can understand business problems, solve them with data, and communicate to the people who matter.

“The business world needs people with technical skills who can also communicate in a clear and concise way. Tippie does a great job of providing both.”

Sample plan of study

The full-time Master of Business Analytics plan of study spans 2 semesters of core courses, internships, with additional time for electives. 


Pre-Work: Data and Decisions Bootcamp

Fall 1st 8 Weeks

Fall 2nd 8 Weeks


BAIS:6040 Data Programming in PythonSubprogram course


BAIS:6050 Data Management



BAIS:6070 Data Science



BAIS:9110 Advanced Analytics



BAIS:9400 Professional Development Business AcumenBAIS:7110 Managerial Communication


Spring 1st 8 Weeks

Spring 2nd 8 Weeks


BAIS:6140 Visual Analytics



BAIS:6250 Applied Deep Learning



BAIS:6120 Analytics Experience



BAIS:7120 Advance Technical Communication



Subprogram Course

Subprogram Course





Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Subprogram - 9sh

BAIS:6100 Text Analytics BAIS:6040
Co-req - BAIS:6070
Fall 2nd
BAIS:6105 Social AnalyticsBAIS:6040 & 6070Spring 1st
BAIS:6260 Generative AIBAIS:6040 & 6070
Co-req - BAIS:6250
Spring 2nd

Artificial Intelligence Technology Management Subprogram - 9sh

BAIS:6210 Data Management & LeadershipNoneFall 2nd
BAIS:9140 Agile Project ManagementNoneSpring 1st
BAIS:6240 Value Creation Using AINoneSpring 2nd

Finance Analytics Subprogram - 9sh

BAIS:6100 Text Analytics BAIS:6040Fall 2nd
MBA:8180 Managerial Finance Spring 1st
FIN:9300 Corporate Investment & Finance  DecisionsMBA:8180Spring 2nd