
University of Iowa Native American Leadership Academy deals with technology difficulties, adds support

Monday, March 8, 2021
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Iowa's Native American Leadership Academy has adapted to Zoom to ensure their participants feel comfortable and develop trusting relationships. Tippie Professor Amy Colbert assists the public-health college with the leadership program. She joined the program in 2019 and helps program participants with leadership, personal development, and...

Celebrating Women Virtually: programming provided to empower for International Women’s Day and Month

Monday, March 8, 2021
University of Iowa organizations and institutions are providing programming that focuses on leadership and self-preservation throughout March in celebration of International Women’s Day and Month.

How core team members affect team performance

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Modern workplaces increasingly use crew-based teams—groups of individuals who fill different roles and are brought together to complete a task. However, a new study from the Tippie College of Business suggests that experience with the core member of the team—or the team member that is more central to the workflow—is critical for successful performance.

Intimate partner violence is a workplace issue

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Intimate partner violence, or IPV, is often perceived as a private occurrence; in reality, it also affects virtually every aspect of a victim’s life, including their work life. Tippie's Beth Livingston researched what role organizations can play in the understanding and prevention of IPV. Data shows that work is one of the few spaces where people feel they can seek help, and that colleagues may be...
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Study finds employers’ reviews of job applicants’ social media fraught with problems

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
A new study from Tippie researcher Chad Van Iddekinge suggests that reviewing job applicants’ social media sites may not be an effective way to assess the candidates, and doing so may also conflict with federal employment law.

UI colleges of business and public health partner with Native American tribes to develop programming

Thursday, February 18, 2021
Tippie Professor Amy Colbert is working with a program in the university’s College of Public Health that partners with Native American tribes to develop new programs addressing mental health and addiction needs in local communities.

The overlooked key to leading through chaos

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Ask executives to list traits of great leaders and they will probably name vision, honesty, or the ability to execute change. Rarely mentioned is one critical capability that leaders need most in turbulent times: sensemaking, the ability to create and update maps of a complex environment in order to act more effectively in it.

Should you rehire an employee who left your company?

Monday, February 8, 2021
These days, it’s common for people to work for many employers over the course of their careers. When an employee who previously left your company tries to come back, how do you determine whether or not you should rehire them? Research from Tippie's Chad Van Iddekinge shows rehiring these “boomerang” employees can come with some benefits.

Multiple faculty ranked top 2% of world’s researchers in Stanford study

Tuesday, January 26, 2021
A number of Tippie faculty were recognized in a recent study published by Stanford University researchers using a new scholarly citation impact measure to identify the top 100,000 most impactful scientific researchers, along with those in the top 2% of their academic subfield. Indices were calculated based on lifetime scholarly impact and impact during the year 2019.

Stop making excuses for toxic bosses

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
If you’ve ever worked for a toxic boss, you know how damaging it can be. So should you forgive a manager who tries to make amends for their bad behavior?