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Study abroad, MBA edition
Global Learning Opportunities (a.k.a. GLO trips) are weeklong international travel classes.
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how companies adapt to local business conditions and experience international business firsthand through economic, political, and cultural immersion.
Odds are you’re not thinking ahead to your international education just yet. But know this: GLO is a perennial favorite among alumni, and it’s not the study abroad you remember from undergrad. You'll meet with top executives at corporate visits, enjoy cultural excursions, and network with business professionals and alumni—while earning MBA course credit. Even if you choose to study 100% online, you can still take advantage of this amazing travel opportunity.
“The Iowa MBA GLO experience is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure! My trip to the United Arab Emirates changed my view of the world and continues to influence my perspectives on business, culture, and politics.”
Destination: someplace awesome
Pick your location. Pack your bags. Experience business in a country you’ve only read about. We tailor destinations to student interest so countries change every year. Here’s a sampling of recent and upcoming GLO trips—just enough to give you the travel bug:
- Iceland
- Panama
- Italy
- Kenya
- Spain
- Vietnam
- Greece
Planning ahead? Check out the itineraries for upcoming GLO trips.