Want to transfer credits or waive a course?

We’ll work with you to make it all come together.

If you started your MBA elsewhere and want to finish up at Iowa, we’ll use transfer credits to formulate a plan to get you to the finish line.

If you received your bachelor's in finance and live and breathe finance all day at work, you probably aren’t interested in the base MBA finance course. In cases like this, we can often waive the course, letting you take an elective class that lets you dive deeper in that or another area instead.

Transfer credits

You can transfer up to 12 semester hours from another MBA or graduate business program if:

  1. The program is accredited by the AACSB.
  2. The hours weren’t used to fulfill the requirements of another degree.
  3. The grade earned is a B or better (3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale).
  4. The credits will be less than 10 years old upon graduation from the Iowa MBA program.

If the coursework was from a non-business graduate program or a completed graduate degree, the process is a little different. We'll evaluate your transcript to see if credits can be transferred (max of 6 semester hours).

Courses earned at another institution after starting the Iowa MBA Program cannot be transferred for credit. 

Course waivers

If you've completed significant coursework in one content area and meet the requirements, the core course in that area can potentially be waived. You'll take an elective of your choice in its place. 

Cross-counting MBA courses with graduate certificates

Certain courses completed in the Iowa MBA Program can be counted toward graduate certificates offered by the Tippie College of Business. By planning in advance with your advisor, you can take courses that will count toward both your MBA and a certificate simultaneously. You'll earn both the MBA and a certificate with just the courses required for the MBA.

Cross-counting other Tippie graduate courses

Up to 15 semester hours of credit earned in select Tippie College of Business graduate programs can be used to meet your MBA degree requirements, even if they were used to fulfill graduation requirements for another degree or credential. This applies to any of the following earned in the Tippie College of Business: any PhD; master's degrees in Accounting, Finance, or Business Analytics; graduate certificates in Business Analytics, Business Fundamentals, Finance, Innovation, Leadership, or Marketing. The credits must be less than 10 years old upon graduation from the Iowa MBA program.