Fast-track your analytics expertise

Give your career focus and make yourself invaluable in the workplace with a certificate in business analytics. Learn the basics of data modeling and management, along with how to interpret and present your findings.

The Business Analytics Certificate gives you the tools to solve complex business problems, drive growth strategies, and anticipate future industry trends using data. With your newfound data know-how, it's easy to predict a positive outcome for your future in business.

The five Business Analytics Certificate courses can be used toward the Master’s in Business Analytics or the Iowa MBA, if you decide to earn a master's later.

“One of the things that it’s really helped me with is being able to communicate with senior business leaders.”

At a glance


Courses are delivered online.


11-week classes, one night a week. No Fridays or weekends.


$2,250 per course ($11,250 total). Cost is the same for Iowa residents and nonresidents.

Time to complete

As little as 1 year


No entrance exam required. See all admission requirements.

Take the next step

The certificate's five courses are all required for the master's degree in business analytics. So if you decide to jump into a master's, you'll already have half the credits in the bag. That's a benefit you don't need Python to decode.

See Admissions Requirements

University fees

Business Analytics Certificate students pay one university fee, a one-time Records and Documents fee, in the amount of $75. University of Iowa graduates who earned a degree prior to Fall 2016 get to skip this fee. If you begin with the certificate and later enroll in the master's, you'll pay only one records fee of $225.