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Study finds adding walking to delivery routes could make them faster

Friday, February 16, 2024
Professor Ann Campbell says prioritizing walkable routes could double delivery driver efficiency in metropolitan areas.
delivery trucks in traffic

Park less, walk more

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Delivery drivers waste a lot of time looking for places to park in congested areas. A new study suggests a solution is to have drivers make more deliveries on foot.
students on the pitch at Wrexham's soccer stadium

Documentary learning

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Inspired by the Netflix documentary "Welcome to Wrexham," a group of Tippie students visited the Welsh town in January to learn about its soccer team and entrepreneurialism.
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AI symposium: Technology will usher in new era for business world

Monday, December 11, 2023
Patrick Fan was featured in the Corridor Business Journal for participating in an AI symposium with other business and technology experts.
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Explore 14 real-world use cases for adaptive AI

Monday, October 2, 2023
Adaptive AI's ability to alter its code in response to changing circumstances is useful in dynamic, complex environments. Hear from AI experts including Tippie's Patrick Fan about potential business use cases for this technology.
computer keyboard with a human hand and a robot hand

A.I.-proof your career

Friday, September 8, 2023
According to Goldman Sachs, 300 million jobs could be affected by the latest wave of A.I. Here are four ways to keep chatbots on your side.
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Age of AI: Iowa’s faculty faces new reality as classes start

Sunday, August 20, 2023
“There's a balance that needs to happen as we think about the impact of the large language models,” according to Tippie Professor and Senior Associate Dean Barry Thomas. “It’s not all negative with something like ChatGPT.”
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Tippie professor featured on IPR's Here First podcast

Thursday, August 17, 2023
Tippie’s disaster transportation logistics expert Ann Campbell spoke to Iowa Public Radio about the struggle to get needed disaster relief resources to Maui.
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UI prof finds lessons in every disaster, including Maui

Thursday, August 17, 2023
The responses to the fast-moving wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui are being carefully watched by a University of Iowa professor who studies disaster transportation logistics. Tippie Professor Ann Campbell says there are lessons to be learned in every disaster that will help our leaders better plan to handle any future events.
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Can AI help Gen Z workers make up lost ground?

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Starting jobs amid the global pandemic, many Gen Z workers have missed out on gaining essential hard- and soft skills usually gleaned by working alongside older colleagues. Tippie's Patrick Fan says many are now prioritizing learning these skills as a “strategic career move.”