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Tippie faculty recognized for outstanding contributions
Tippie faculty make their mark on business and society through their research, teaching, and service. External, institution-level, and collegiate awards recognize the contributions of these outstanding scholars.
External research honors
Tippie faculty research is regularly cited in both scholarly and popular publications, and receives multiple grants and awards each year.
Hinds awarded Deloitte Doctoral Fellowship
Cory Hinds, PhD candidate in accounting, was awarded the 2022 Deloitte Doctoral Fellowship Award - Deloitte Foundation.
Rong Su is one of five recipients of inaugural UI Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Award
The award provides funding to outstanding tenured associate professors who have an established national or international reputation in their discipline and are exceptional teachers in and outside the classroom.
Colbert receives Board of Regents faculty excellence honor
Amy Colbert, professor of management & entrepreneurship, was one of six UI faculty who were honored by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, for their exceptional contributions and sustained record of excellence.
Amazon, NSF award $800,000 to UI researchers to make AI algorithms less discriminatory
Machine learning algorithms play an ever-larger role in peoples’ lives, from approving mortgages and credit cards to getting a job interview to what advertisements we see in our social media feeds. But analysts have discovered those algorithms can be unfair, discriminating against people based on race, gender, health conditions, and a range of other factors. Qihang Lin is part of a team of researchers that received an $800,000 grant as part of an initiative with the National Science Foundation and Amazon to make machine learning algorithms less discriminatory.
Tippie research looks to maximize supervisor, remote worker productivity
Beth Livingston is the PI on a recent $1.1 million grant from the CDC which was featured in the Daily Iowan. The funding will help researchers in the UI colleges of business and public health investigate how to maximize productivity while maintaining worker wellbeing in remote work environments over the next five years.
Data-driven Disease Prevention and Control in Animal Health
Nick Street (PI) and Qihang Lin received an NSF sub-award to extend their federated learning solution to animal health problems, such as outbreak and antimicrobial resistance prediction.
Media citations
It's not what you said, it's the way you said it
Investors and analysts can glean information from tone of voice and what’s left unsaid, according to Jeff Cossette's latest roundup of the academic literature, including research from Tippie's Scott Asay and Michael Durney. Read more in IR Magazine.
Nahrgang studies show side gigs help full-time careers
Jennifer Nahrgang, professor of management & entrepreneurship, tells KCRG-TV that people who work a second job because they're interested in it often show better performance at their primary job.
Consumers value a product viewed online more if they see it being virtually touched
Consumers who see a product on sale being virtually touched are more engaged and willing to pay more than if the item is displayed on its own, according to a recent research paper by Andrea Luangrath. Read more about it in The Conversation.
Faculty award news

Dain Donelson wins Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Beth Livingston wins Faculty Communicating Ideas Award

Two Tippie professors win 2023 Early Career Scholar Awards

Faculty recognized for research impact

Nahrgang appointed SIOP fellow
Tippie research awards
Early Career Faculty Research Award
This award recognizes a faculty member’s research contributions early in his or her academic career.
2023—Chelsea Galoni (Marketing)
2022—Daniel Newton (M&E)
2021—Andrea Luangrath (Marketing)
2020—Richard Peter (Finance)
2019—Rong Su (M&E)
2018—Qihang Lin (Management Sciences)
2017—Jaron Wilde (Accounting)
2016—Kang Zhao (Management Sciences)
2015—Ning Li (M&O)
2014—Bill Hedgcock (Marketing)
David and Lois Gardner Faculty Award for Mid-Career Excellence
This award recognizes associate professors who have had two years of outstanding research productivity.
2023—Rong Su (Management & Entrepreneurship)
2022—Jaron Wilde (Accounting)
2021—Eean Crawford (M&E)
2020—Scott Asay (Accounting)
2019—Ning Li (M&E)
2018—Yiming Qian (Finance)
2018—Jing “Alice” Wang (Marketing)
Research Impact Award (formerly Senior Faculty Research Award)
This award is open to all faculty levels and recognizes a researcher with a paper or stream of papers that have had an exceptional impact on their field.
2023—Erik Lie (Finance)
2022—Tong Yao (Finance)
2021—Amy Colbert (M&E)
2020—Jen Blackhurst (Business Analytics)
2019—Jon Garfinkel (Finance)
2018—Cathy Cole (Marketing)
2017—Paul Hribar (Accounting)
2017—Greg Stewart (M&O)
2016—Antonio Galvao (Economics)
2016—Michael Mount (M&O)
2015—David Bates (Finance)
2015—Tim Lowe (Management Sciences)
Charles A. Taff Research Excellence Award
Recognizes a distinguished research record in one or more of the following areas: economics, logistics, transportation and distribution, computer science, and information systems.
2023—Kang Zhao (Business Analytics)
2022—Nicholas Yannelis (Economics)
2021—Rabah Amir (Economics)
2020—Patrick Fan (Business Analytics)
Public Scholarship Award
Recognizes excellence in communication about research and scholarship to a general audience directly or via print and electronic media.
2023—Anne Villamil (Economics)
Faculty Career Achievement Award
This award is open to full and emeritus professors and is intended to recognize an exceptional level of research achievement and impact over an academic career.
2023—Gary Gaeth (Marketing)
2023—Johannes Ledolter (Business Analytics)
2022—Dan Collins (Accounting)
2022—Sara Rynes-Weller (M&E)