Completion of this form will satisfy the PAR admission requirement previously completed in ICON.

We will not review your request until a degree application is on file for the current admission cycle. If you missed our admission deadline, please use our Request Late Admission Form.

If you’re on track for admission, students will receive permission both for BUS:3000 (Business Communication & Protocol) and BUS:2200 (Discover Course) by completing this form.

This can be found in your Admissions Profile in the MyUI student portal.

If all three of the following statements are true:

  • Completed or are currently in-progress to complete all required pre-requisites for admission (RHET:1030, MATH:1350, ECON:1100, BAIS:1500, and STAT:1030),
  • Completed or are currently in-progress to complete BOTH major declaration courses (ECON:1200 and ACCT:2100), and
  • Completed the pre-requisite courses to your intended major. (EX: You want to declare Management and have completed MGMT:2100 and MGMT:2000). Use our Quick Guide for additional guidance.

Then, you may be eligible to register for major-level courses.

Future Planning

Please upload the following criteria:

  • Create a MyPlan for intended major or possible major in Tippie. Use our Quick Guide for support in building out your future plan.
  • Convert a MyPlan into PDF.
    • Click print toward the bottom of the page.
    • Select all of your optional MyPlan components to include in your printed copy.
    • Select "Print."
    • Change "Destination" on print screen to "Save as a PDF" to convert to an upload to submit.

*Advisors in Tippie use MyPlans with students to support building your academic plan toward graduation. Tippie admissions will not check MyPlans for accuracy. You will use this MyPlan in your academic advising meetings and BUS:2200 (Discover Business in Tippie).

One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, gz, sit, svg, tar, zip.