Tippie News


Jennifer Ward the Outstanding Accounting Alumnus of 2020

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Each year, we recognize one of our distinguished graduates for their professional achievements and service to the college and our department. We are pleased to announce Jennifer Ward as our 2020 winner.

Less is more: 2021 Sullivan Scholar in Residence Terri Yohn

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Terri Yohn argues that more disaggregation is not better. “Why go through all the accounting gymnastics, if its not going to help you forecast better?” she asked faculty and Ph.D. students in a lecture at the Tippie College of Business in September. Yohn is a professor at Emory University and pioneering accounting researcher.

How a side hustle can boost performance at your regular job

A new study shows that moonlighting lifts your mood—and your effectiveness from 9 to 5.

What if it never gets easier to be a working parent?

The shock of the pandemic threw care taking arrangements into disarray. Many families find themselves back in the same precarious arrangement they had before, with the burden still on mothers.
Des Moines Business Record logo

Report: More women are being added to the C-suite, but 'glass cliff' could be at play

Amy Kristof-Brown, dean of the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa, brought up the 'glass cliff' during remarks at Wednesday’s CEO forum at the Women Lead Change Central Iowa conference.

Immoral entrenchment: Study shows firms more likely to fight recalls when product causes injury or death

Friday, October 29, 2021
Firms that face a recall notice are more apt to fight the order if it involves the injury or death of people using the product, according to a researcher at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business.

Less Santa, more ROI: Study suggests malls spend less on holiday promotions, more other times of the year

Friday, October 29, 2021
The holiday shopping season is traditionally a time when shopping malls pull out all the promotional stops with visits from Santa, but a new study from a researcher at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business finds that malls overinvest during the holiday season at the expense of other times of year.

There's value in going to the office, but some people love working from home

Michele Williams of the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business joins Ben Kieffer on Iowa Public Radio to talk about the future of the office, why the office matters, how employees can negotiate working from home after the pandemic, and how managers have been trying to foster a virtual company culture.

Tippie Diversity Committee - November Update

Tuesday, October 26, 2021
November 2021 Update from the Tippie DEI committee.

Tippie finance professor Tong Yao on what's next for the stock market

As stock markets hit all-time high, reasons remain for both concern and optimism. Hear from Professor Yao in the Corridor Business Journal.