Articles from July 2023

Employers, meet Tippie students
Monday, July 31, 2023
A new initiative from the Tippie College of Business will make it easier for employers to reach business students they want to hire beyond the usual online jobs databases and career fairs.

Candy sales already starting three months before Halloween
Friday, July 28, 2023
How early is too early? The 4th of July was just a few weeks ago, yet some Iowa grocery stores are already offering spooky Halloween decorations and big bags of trick-or-treat candy. Tippie's Peggy Stover says stores are looking for any angle they can find to scare up profits.

Academic success tip: Working smarter with ChatGPT
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Pam Bourjaily at the University of Iowa taught students how to get better results from ChatGPT with a classroom assignment.

The journey is the destination
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Those consumer loyalty cards filling our wallets that give you a free sandwich or cup of coffee tend to lead to disappointment. A new study shows that for many, filling the card is more fulfilling than the reward.

Boredom at work can have an impact on you and others
Monday, July 24, 2023
If you find yourself getting bored at work, Amy Colbert, an expert on the workplace at the University of Iowa, says don’t immediately jump to another job but find ways to make your current position more challenging—and fulfilling.

Permanent life insurance explained
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Permanent life insurance generally provides coverage for your entire life and builds tax-deferred cash value, but may not be the best option for everyone. Hear from Tippie expert Cameron Ellis in USA Today on the topic.

Can AI help Gen Z workers make up lost ground?
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Starting jobs amid the global pandemic, many Gen Z workers have missed out on gaining essential hard- and soft skills usually gleaned by working alongside older colleagues. Tippie's Patrick Fan says many are now prioritizing learning these skills as a “strategic career move.”

Shaping the future
Friday, July 14, 2023
The deans from the University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, and Iowa State University share visions and goals for business schools at Iowa’s public universities.

U.S. inflation saw another dramatic slowdown in June
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
June held more good news for Americans' wallets, as inflation yet again dramatically cooled. This Business Insider article includes economic analysis from Tippie's Anne Villamil.

The future of insurance
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
These fresh faces are the future of the insurance industry. Many spent the summer in the innovative internship program Insure Your Future and are aiming to graduate with Tippie's newest degree, Risk Management & Insurance.