Tippie News

Corridor Business Journal logo

Insure Your Future targets next generation of risk management professionals

The insurance intern program seeks to give students work experience early in academic career and help solve Iowa's talent retention problem.
Fast Company logo

What mouse mover technology teaches us about the future of work

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Jennifer Nahrgang, professor of management and entrepreneurship, says simply monitoring employees' time online is a faulty metric for measuring productivity. Instead, employers should study output instead.

How popular is election betting?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Marketing professor and director of Iowa Electronic Markets Thomas Gruca spoke with CNN about what makes prediction markets different than traditional gambling.
Inside Higher Ed

Making delivery driver parking more efficient

Monday, June 17, 2024
Business analytics professor Ann Campbell explores how to make parking easier for delivery drivers.
Times Higher Education logo

How can we train our students to be better communicators?

Associate Professor Carl Follmer discusses why departmental communications programs like those at Tippie are critically important in developing future career skills.
Newswise logo

Curious by nature: What makes a good boss?

Friday, May 24, 2024
Professor Steven Courtright, Henry B. Tippie Professor of Management, discusses transformational leadership and its importance to being a good boss.
Nate Kaeding

From NFL foodie to hometown restaurateur

Monday, May 13, 2024
Nate Kaeding (MBA15)'s culinary journey
Hawkinson alumni event photos

Party like it's 1999

Monday, May 13, 2024
Twenty-five years ago, the Tippie College of Business was having a moment. Henry B. Tippie had just pledged millions of dollars in support and impactful new programs were sprouting up left and right. Let's check on their impact.
3p3q logo

3 people / 3 questions: Natalie Costello, Sepehr Roudini, & Lawrence Cook

Monday, May 13, 2024
Each year we ask three people connected to the Department of Finance: What are you reading, who is inspiring you, and what is the best part of your day?
Seth Rosenthal in downtown Chicago.

Values-based investing

Monday, May 13, 2024
Seth Rosenthal (BBA96) is quick to point out the people he works with are heroes. At Academy Asset Management, Wall Street veterans like Rosenthal are paired with military veterans to teach them the ropes.