Tippie News


Has the revival of consulting practices at the Big 4 impacted their audit quality?

Big 4 acquisitions of consulting firms can sometimes improve, but also decrease the quality of their financial statement audits, according to a study forthcoming in Accounting, Organizations and Society co-authored by Tippie's Dain Donelson.
Scott Bush

Fearless Midwestern neighborliness

Thursday, December 3, 2020
Whether it is a tornado, a flood, or a global pandemic, Midwestern neighborliness is always a constant. In mid-March when it felt like the whole world was shutting down, certain everyday commodities shot up in demand, including toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Seeing the intense need, Scott Bush (BBA96) and his team at Foundry Distilling Co. just wanted to do something to help. They decided to...
Sandy Davis

Fearless negotiations

Thursday, December 3, 2020
Sandy Davis (BBA04) needed a major change. She loved her work as a vice president in Equity Capital Markets for Goldman Sachs, but after 10 years in the role, and a full house with three children and a husband who also worked full-time in finance, she was constantly burning the candle at both ends.

Fearlessly tackling professional and personal disruptions with the Hawkeye spirit

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
There’s a temptation to think that if we check all the boxes, do the workouts, set the right amount of money aside, make the right decisions, we’ll always be happy and successful in life and business. Hardship won’t touch us. Yet the wisdom of years teaches otherwise. With experience and maturity, we learn challenges are inevitable and, even more, can be an instructive and formative part of life...

Fearlessness in the face of job loss

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
It was a Friday. Though it felt like most other pandemic days in the time of COVID-19—indistinguishable from the day before. Like so many events since the University of Iowa closed campus and moved classes online, the annual Tippie Student Leadership Awards had been moved to a Zoom video chat, and the mood that day was muted as were the microphones of most of the people on the call. Then Sukriti...

You don't know Jack

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
The accounting major had a solid freshman season with the Hawkeyes in 2017-18, starting 14 games and putting up a career best 18 points against 14th-ranked Ohio State. But he’s barely seen a court since.

How food and drink establishments are faring across Iowa during COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought forth many unexpected changes and complications for businesses on the national and local scale. Iowa Public Radio's River to River dives deep into COVID-19's impact on Iowa restaurants, pubs and cafes, including a check in with Executive Director of the Iowa Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center and Tippie clinical professor of management and entrepreneurship David K. Hensley.
Amy Kristof-Brown

Business Record: Kristof-Brown named new dean of Tippie College of Business

The University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business will have a new dean starting Dec. 1.

The Gazette: Loneliness leads to 'unplanned,' 'impulsive' shopping habits, UI researcher finds

As many people lacking social contact during coronavirus begin the holiday shopping season, that loneliness could make a difference in their shopping habits. The more “socially deprived” someone is, the more likely the person is to buy more things, according to research from Jing “Alice” Wang, a marketing professor at the University of Iowa.

Accounting graduates CPA exam performance ranks first in Iowa; fourth in Big Ten

Monday, November 23, 2020
Among candidates taking the CPA exam for the first time, graduates of the University of Iowa Department of Accounting outperformed graduates of all other Iowa public universities in 2019, according to recently released data from the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).