Tippie News

Celebrating Women Virtually: programming provided to empower for International Women’s Day and Month

University of Iowa organizations and institutions are providing programming that focuses on leadership and self-preservation throughout March in celebration of International Women’s Day and Month.

College students accounted for in latest COVID-19 relief package

College students claimed as dependents will be included in the next round of stimulus checks, once President Joe Biden signs the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. Sarah Frank, a lecturer of economics in the Tippie College of Business, said these stimulus checks have a dual purpose of helping families who are struggling while also injecting more money into the economy.

Study shows that journalism matters in holding corporations accountable

Monday, March 8, 2021
Media coverage of corporate wrongdoing is an important part of holding executives accountable, according to a new study from a University of Iowa researcher, and shows the value of a robust watchdog media.

Tippie Diversity Committee - March Update (Women's History Month)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
March is Women’s History Month, and there are numerous events, including the Tippie Monday Memoir (already past) where Yasmina Cassab Mejia and Natalia Gil Lallana from the International Women’s Club of Iowa City spoke about their inspiring life and work experiences.

Corporations with workers on board more apt to maximize payroll, offshore less

Wednesday, March 3, 2021
A company with worker representatives on its board of directors will cut pay and lay off employees less often than companies that don’t, while offshoring fewer jobs and producing more product that leads to larger payrolls, according to a new study from the University of Iowa.

How core team members affect team performance

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Modern workplaces increasingly use crew-based teams—groups of individuals who fill different roles and are brought together to complete a task. However, a new study from the Tippie College of Business suggests that experience with the core member of the team—or the team member that is more central to the workflow—is critical for successful performance.

Tippie Analytics a finalist for international analytics award

Friday, February 26, 2021
University of Iowa’s Department of Business Analytics is one of three finalists for the prestigious UPS George D. Smith Prize given annually by INFORMS, the largest international association of analytics and operations research professionals.

New partnership will assist UNI students to a master’s in finance at the Tippie College of Business

Tippie and UNI have a new partnership easing the process for UNI students to be admitted to the Master of Science in Finance program at the University of Iowa.

Intimate partner violence is a workplace issue

Intimate partner violence, or IPV, is often perceived as a private occurrence; in reality, it also affects virtually every aspect of a victim’s life, including their work life. Tippie's Beth Livingston researched what role organizations can play in the understanding and prevention of IPV. Data shows that work is one of the few spaces where people feel they can seek help, and that colleagues may be...
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Study finds employers’ reviews of job applicants’ social media fraught with problems

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
A new study from Tippie researcher Chad Van Iddekinge suggests that reviewing job applicants’ social media sites may not be an effective way to assess the candidates, and doing so may also conflict with federal employment law.