Tippie News


Tippie research finds industry response to SEC rule change could destabilize some money markets

Monday, September 20, 2021
A new Tippie study finds the COVID-19 related stock market decline of March 2020 showed that a five-year old SEC rule change can have a potentially destabilizing effect on some money market funds, which are supposed to be stable places to park cash.

This is the secret benefit of an online MBA

The majority of adults have been working from home since the COVID-19 outbreak started. Now, with most executives planning for a future hybrid work option, remote work—for the most part—is here to stay. For MBAs, the COVID-19 pandemic had a similar effect with online education seeing an increase in popularity. Fortune recently examined how B-schools have adapted the online MBA education since...

NSF grant will study how automation affects clerical work

Friday, September 17, 2021
Automation is changing everyone’s jobs, even the secretaries and receptionists, office assistants and mail room clerks, but no major study has looked at how clerical work will be affected by technology. A $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to researchers at the Tippie College of Business will start the process of answering those questions.

Home food delivery still going strong for Iowa businesses

A study by the Marketing Institute at the University of Iowa’s Henry B. Tippie College of Business found online delivery services averaged 25 percent growth last year, but is predicted to grow by about 3.5 percent post-COVID-19, according to Peggy Stover, associate professor in the program.

Chris A. Cox named 2021 Outstanding Accounting Alumnus of the Year

Thursday, September 16, 2021
Chris Cox (BBA89) is as Iowa as it gets. He grew up on a farm in south central Iowa near Van Wert and is still active in the family farm. He is also a high-level accounting executive who stays connected with his alma mater and the winner of the 2021 Outstanding Accounting Alumnus of the Year award.

Movie offers University of Iowa students insight into potential bias in facial recognition technology

Students at the University of Iowa got a lesson about racial bias in facial recognition algorithms through the showing of the film "Coded Bias." The screening and talk with the director was coordinated by the Tippie College of Business Department of Business Analytics.

Tippie professor adapts economic model to understand vaccine hesitancy

Richard Peter and his colleague have conducted research to help public health officials better understand COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and tailor messaging to address it.

Reichert takes the reins in North Stonington

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Former Iowa state representative Nathan Reichert (MBA03) has taken the reins as the new planning, development, and zoning officer for the town of North Stonington, Connecticut.

Capitolis Hires Pennington

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Christopher Pennington (MBA10) has been hired by Capitolis as Executive Vice President of Sales to develop the company's sales strategy and vision.

A closer look at Amy Kristof-Brown

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
The Des Moines Business Record recently interviewed Dean Amy Kristof-Brown about leading, COVID-19, and where she sees the college going in the years to come.