Tippie News


University of Iowa expert: Expect economic impact from coronavirus

As with other disease outbreaks and national disasters, the coronavirus has disrupted the supply chains U.S. companies rely upon, Business Analytics professor Jennifer Blackhurst told the Des Moines Register.

Who's in charge of the kids when both parents are working from home?

Tippie assistant professor Beth Livingston is quoted in this Iowa City Press-Citizen article about how day care and school closures affect families. Livingston has a background in researching gender wage gaps and how spouses negotiate labor within a family.

Businesses bear COVID-19 cost burden

The Hawkinson Institute's director, Brian Richman, comments in this Daily Iowan story about the economy after COVID-19.

Virtual Pomerantz Business Library resources are available

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
During this time of virtual only instruction, the Pomerantz Business Library encourages students to continue accessing library resources through remote services.

Information for Tippie-affiliated student organizations regarding COVID-19

Friday, March 13, 2020
As you have heard, following the identification of COVID-19 cases in Johnson County, the University of Iowa is suspending face-to-face instruction for two weeks following spring break. The university will move to virtual instruction beginning March 23, 2020, and continue remotely through at least April 3, 2020. To align with this decision and proactively maintain the health and safety of our...

Important Tippie-specific updates regarding COVID-19

Thursday, March 12, 2020
First and foremost, our desire is to curb the spread of this virus and to maintain the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Your primary resource for the most up-to-date information is the university’s COVID-19 website. You can also find Tippie-specific frequently asked questions on our FAQ website.

Tippie on trend when it comes to sustainability

Here are three global business trends to have on your horizon. The first – regarding the economic implications of coronavirus – is timely with current events, while the other two, on sustainability and immigrants in the workforce, are more long-term ideas.

Kid concerns kill creativity, career

Friday, March 6, 2020
Career-driven workers focused on promotion may unwittingly hold themselves back with a “creativity tax” they pay through concern for their family’s well-being, a new study from the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business finds.

Marketing professor receives top university award for teaching

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Associate Professor of Practice Nancy Abram received a 2019 President and Provost Award for Teaching, the University of Iowa’s top teaching honor.

Tippie teams dominate diversity and business ethics case competition

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Student teams from the Tippie College of Business placed first and third at the Fifth Annual Diversity and Business Ethics Case Competition hosted by the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder.