Articles from June 2023

Fast Company logo

Why you should prioritize making friends at work

Friday, June 9, 2023
Remote and hybrid arrangements may be among the most important perks to today’s job seekers. But there’s a potential downside: It may be harder to form work friendships.
Radio Iowa logo

UI looking into insurance company safe driving monitors

Thursday, June 8, 2023
Tippie's Richard Peter says only about 5% of motorists in the U.S. are using the monitors, and he’s considering the reasons why they’ve never caught on.
headline of business insider

Reasons why people pursue side hustles: Money, socializing, creativity

Monday, June 5, 2023
According to experts like Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang, the most common reason people take on a side hustle is for financial stability. But there are more reasons people take on extra gigs.
steering wheel car insurance

Data for discounts? Consumers say no thanks.

Monday, June 5, 2023
Insurance companies have encouraged consumers to reduce their car insurance premiums by using monitoring technology for 25 years now, but consumers have been slow to embrace the idea.
Freight Famous

The barriers and learnings in autonomous trucking

Friday, June 2, 2023
Tippie's Ann Campbell breaks down the barriers and adjustments that come with the integration of autonomous trucks and the importance of accessibility of goods in this podcast.
ambulance mass shooting scene

Managing mass casualty scenes

Friday, June 2, 2023
How first responders can better manage mass shooting and other mass casualty emergency scenes with improved communication and cooperation.