Tippie News

Business Record

Don’t be afraid of ChatGPT

Thursday, February 23, 2023
ChatGPT has arrived, bringing artificial intelligence directly into the workplace, classroom and other parts of our lives to create what is essentially a fourth industrial revolution. But is it something to worry about?
Higher Ed Dive logo

Interim leadership is overlooked. Here are 4 tips on doing it effectively.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Amy Kristof-Brown became a business school dean after first serving as an interim. A lack of resources for others in similar positions stood out to her.
amlia szczerba talks with nick westergaard

Tippie’s new Story Lab teaches the leaders of tomorrow how to tell their stories

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Story Lab is a new Tippie College of Business program that teaches students how to become better leaders by telling stories.
Radio Iowa logo

UI professor studies employees who return to same company after quitting

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
The phenomenon is surging now as those who left careers during the Great Resignation early in the pandemic are now rethinking their decisions. Chad Van Iddekinge, Tippie professor of management and entrepreneurship, says rehiring former workers is something of a safe bet.
Kayla Van Langen, Noah Highsmith, Brayden Boche, Haley Stessman

Business analytics students win national case competition

Thursday, February 16, 2023
A team of business analytics students from the Tippie College of Business recently took first place in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.
Corridor Business Journal logo

Lawsuits can cause trouble for industry competitors

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
A study from the University of Iowa shows that when one company is sued by shareholders, other companies in the same industry often see a drop in their own stock price and behave more transparently.

You're (re)-hired!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
What can employees who left their jobs as part of the Great Resignation expect if they return to their old jobs? Chad Van Iddekinge studies these so-called boomerang employees and says employees and employers can largely expect more of the same.
The Daily Iowan logo

Accessibility adjustments made to Pappajohn Business Building

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
The University of Iowa has been working to improve accessibility at the John Pappajohn Business Building, most recently by installing larger accessibility buttons that open doors in the building.
nurse badge

Helping nurses cope when patients bring them down

Friday, February 10, 2023
Nurses work for the good of society, and a new study from the University of Iowa finds they are more likely to feel better about their jobs when hospitals remind them of that, according to a new study from the Tippie College of Business.
KGAN logo

Army and National Guard see lowest enrollment since 1973

Thursday, February 9, 2023
The Covid-19 pandemic has been blamed for many issues. Now, it is considered one of the reasons the Army has seen the lowest enrollment since 1973. However, some say the state of the country is playing part in why some are saying "no" to the Armed Forces. According to Tippie's Emma Harrington, one factor is that the private sector is giving the younger generation better options in the work force.