Tippie News


Park wins best dissertation-based paper

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Tippie Assistant Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship Semin Park was chosen for the best dissertation-based paper at the 2021 Academy of Management meeting. Her paper was titled: "The Impact of Individual Conflict Experiences on Proximal Task Performance in A Multi-Team Context." Park earned her Ph.D. in management from the University of Connecticut in 2019 and researches conflict management...

Nahrgang joins the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Jennifer Nahrgang joined the Tippie College of Business from Arizona State University in 2020 as the Palmer Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship. Her research focuses on leadership processes and leadership development, team dynamics and effectiveness, employee voice and engagement, and the future world of work. She currently serves as associate editor for Personnel Psychology.

In praise of third place

It is surprisingly tricky to actually answer "who's winning the Olympics?"

Ann Campbell profiled in INFORMS magazine

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Tippie Business Analytics Department Executive Officer, Clement T. and Sylvia H. Hanson Family Chair, and INFORMS member of 25 years, Ann Campbell, was profiled by INFORMS' membership magazine ORMS Today in July 2021.

The importance of women on corporate boards: A conversation with Dean Amy Kristof-Brown

According to a recent Gender Diversity Report by BoardEx, the average number of women on corporate boards in the United States was 27% in 2019 — up from 19% in 2014. Amy Kristof-Brown, University of Iowa Tippie College of Business dean, said that even though that’s an improvement, there’s still a long way to go. “At that pace, it would take another 15 years before we had a nice level of balance,”...

Van Iddekinge wins Best Paper Award

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Personnel Psychology awarded Professor Chad Van Iddekinge the Best Paper Award for his paper titled, “A meta-analysis of the criterion-related validity of prehire work experience.” Finalists for the award are nominated based on the number of downloads from PPSYCH website, Google Scholar citations, and ratings of the article’s contributions to research on people at work. Authors include Chad H. Van...

Experts at UI suggest ordering holiday presents early to avoid shipping delays

If you want your holiday gifts to arrive in time to be under the tree Christmas morning or the first night of Hanukkah, a logistics and supply chain expert at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business suggests you order them now.

Want to hire and retain the best employees? The key might be location, location, location

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Businesses that want to hire and retain the best employees should think more about their real estate. A new study from the University of Iowa finds that employees who work in a well-located office are willing to work harder and show more commitment to their jobs. Researcher Tom Gruca, professor of marketing at the Tippie College of Business, says workers see a good office location as a signal that...

Lucas named Kemin's Director of R&D

Friday, July 30, 2021
Kemin Human Nutrition and Health has named Rebecca Lucas (MBA19) as Director of Research and Development.

Quinto wins FARS Outstanding Discussion Award

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Assistant Professor of Accounting Claire Quinto won a FARS Outstanding Discussion Award from the American Accounting Association. This award recognizes individuals who provided outstanding discussions of papers at the 2021 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting.