Articles from April 2023

Tippie team captures second at National Women's Case Competition
Monday, April 17, 2023
A team of Tippie College of Business students finished in second place at the 2023 National Women’s Case Competition at the University of Texas at Austin.

UI professor suggests tax program that would make things easier for Americans
Monday, April 17, 2023
Since April 15th landed on a Saturday this year, federal income taxes aren’t due until Tuesday, but the time and expense to file tax returns aren’t necessary according to a business professor at the University of Iowa. The program is called ‘Ready Return.’ It’s a system used in many European countries where the government files your taxes for you.

Disasters have killed just-in-time supply chains; time to develop something more agile
Thursday, April 13, 2023
The conditions that made just-in-time strategies so efficient and profitable are not coming back. In response, Tippie's Jennifer Blackhurst says it’s imperative we develop a new, more agile approach to replace it.

Tippie Top 21 for 2023 announced
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Every year the Tippie College of Business honors 21 outstanding student leaders who have excelled in areas of scholarship, leadership, experiential learning, and advancing diversity, inclusion, and global engagement.

Breaking down the banking crisis
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
UI economics professor David Cooper addresses questions in the wake of high-profile bank failures.

UI professor proposes that government prepare our taxes for free
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
With the federal tax filing deadline now one week away, a Tippie accounting professor suggests America adopt what’s being done in many European countries, where the government prepares your taxes for you—for free.

Working from home? You may spend less time on career development
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Workers in the office spend 25 per cent more time in career-development activities than their remote counterparts, according to new data from a team of economists who have analyzed working from home since the pandemic began.

Tippie students claim IT case competition honors
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Two Tippie College of Business students recently took top honors in a pair of categories at the U.S. Information Technology Collegiate Conference case competition in Dallas.

Tippie enters the metaverse
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
The Tippie College of Business has expanded its presence to the metaverse with a new virtual space that will prepare the college for the future of education and research.

Iowa state legislators to dedicate Tippie’s new metaverse space
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
The Tippie College of Business will enter the metaverse when it dedicates its virtual twin on Thursday, April 6.