Newswise logo

Curious by nature: What makes a good boss?

Friday, May 24, 2024
Professor Steven Courtright, Henry B. Tippie Professor of Management, discusses transformational leadership and its importance to being a good boss.
The Hill

It’s time to break the cycle of violence in Haiti — without foreign intervention

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Dimy Doresca, executive director of Tippie's Institute for International Business, offers thoughts on solving the humanitarian crisis in Haiti without using foreign intervention.
KWWL logo

Caitlin Clark's salary sparks conversation over wage gaps

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Tippie's Beth Livingston breaks down reasons for the massive pay disparity between NBA and WNBA stars for KWWL.
Iowa Public Radio

Chaos, violence and the impending famine in Haiti

Saturday, March 23, 2024
A Haitian-born University of Iowa professor is working to raise awareness about the Caribbean nation of about 11.9 million people on the brink of famine.
The Academic Minute

How to make Jeopardy! work for your career

Monday, March 11, 2024
Daniel Newton on The Academic Minute podcast about how a quiz show could help your career.

DEI is a lightning rod for controversy–but the practice isn't dead

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Michele Williams in the BBC about how the ability to work cross-culturally is an asset for employees.
The New York Times logo

How are you, really?

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Rong Su in The New York Times discussing the importance of mental wellness check-ins and her Inventory of Thriving scale.
Forbes logo

Brainstorming versus brainwriting

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Eean Crawford in Forbes promoting the idea of writing down ideas separately first.
Radio Iowa logo

UI professor suggests ‘brainwriting’ is much more effective than brainstorming

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Eean Crawford on Radio Iowa talking about the latest way to get great ideas from your team.
The Wall Street Journal logo

The productivity boost missing from your to-do list

Monday, January 29, 2024
Amy Colbert in The Wall Street Journal about how creating a "done" list can motivate you.
Axios logo

Forget brainstorming. Try brainwriting.

Friday, January 26, 2024
Eean Crawford in Axios on how the brainwriting process makes sure that all ideas are brought to the table and all voices are brought into the conversation.
Radio Iowa logo

Need workplace changes? UI study says to ask manager, don’t tell them

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Daniel Newton on Radio Iowa about a technique for employees to get their ideas through.
Daily Herald

Questions are the key to meaningful results

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Daniel Newton in the Daily Herald about how tapping into a style popularized by the game show Jeopardy, employees can come across as less assertive, which is especially effective when reporting to a dominant leader.
The Gazette logo

Teamwork! Teamwork!

Sunday, January 14, 2024
Ken Brown in the Gazette about the efficacy of motivational posters.
Next Avenue

Good startups need good stories

Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Nick Westergaard in Next Avenue about how storytelling can help small businesses introduce change and capture the hearts and minds of investors, employees, and customers.
SHRM logo

Embracing big ideas

Monday, January 8, 2024
Daniel Newton in the Society of HR Management about employee reluctance to offer ideas.
Inside Higher Ed

U.S. business schools’ talent pipeline problem

Thursday, December 7, 2023
Jennifer Nahrgang in Inside Higher Ed about the challenges American universities will face as fewer domestic students pursue doctoral degrees in business fields.
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How to set business goals, step by step

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Stephen Courtright in TechTarget about the advantages of setting business goals.
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Equipping hiring managers to spot GenAI job candidates

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Emily Campion in Tech Target about the use of generative AI in job applications.

Doing executive education well in rural markets

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Stephen Courtright in AACSB Insights about how business schools can reimagine traditional strategies for non-degree programs to suit their regions.
Global Podcast

Morning Chats about Success podcast with Dr. Michele Williams

Monday, November 6, 2023
Michele Williams on FASIHI's global podcast reflecting on trust in leadership.
The Gazette logo

Can workers be ‘punished’ for having good ideas?

Sunday, October 29, 2023
Daniel Newton in The Gazette about empowering employees to act on their ideas.
Inside Higher Ed

Prioritize ChatGPT proficiency to enhance teaching and learning

Friday, October 27, 2023
Amy Kristof-Brown in Inside Higher Ed about how educators have a responsibility to think beyond cheat-proof assignments.
HR Daily Advisor logo

How to keep great employee ideas flowing

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Daniel Newton in the HR Daily Advisor about motivating employees to share their ideas even when it means more work.
Harvard Business Review

5 types of stories leaders need to tell

Friday, September 22, 2023
Nick Westergaard in Harvard Business Review on why storytelling is an important leadership skill, and how executives who want to succeed should master five types of narrative: vision, values, action, teaching, and trust stories.
Radio Iowa logo

Those motivational posters may be doing just the opposite

Friday, September 22, 2023
Tippie's Ken Brown says motivational posters with inspirational messages that adorn many of our workplace walls often do little to motivate or inspire employees.
regretful guy

On second thought...

Tuesday, September 5, 2023
When someone comes up with a great idea at work but then gets assigned to make it happen, they are reluctant to share ideas in the future. Managers can keep the lines of communication open by providing assistance and support to bring great ideas to life.
Next Avenue

Pivot to profit

Monday, August 21, 2023
This story about entrepreneurial pivoting includes the research of Tippie's Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar.
CU Management

Pushing back against the ambition penalty

Friday, August 18, 2023
Are women really less ambitious than men, or are they simply stuck between a rock and a hard place due to gender norms? Hear from Tippie's Beth Livingston on the topic.
Radio Iowa logo

Boredom at work can have an impact on you and others

Monday, July 24, 2023
If you find yourself getting bored at work, Amy Colbert, an expert on the workplace at the University of Iowa, says don’t immediately jump to another job but find ways to make your current position more challenging—and fulfilling.
Business Record

5 takeaways from ‘Lifting the Veil’ mental health forum: ‘Be creative to find out what your employees need’

Friday, June 30, 2023
Fostering good mental health is more important than ever before in workplaces, but the challenge has also never been greater, said panelists including Tippie's Beth Livingston at dsm Magazine’s latest "Lifting the Veil" forum.
Fast Company logo

Why you should prioritize making friends at work

Friday, June 9, 2023
Remote and hybrid arrangements may be among the most important perks to today’s job seekers. But there’s a potential downside: It may be harder to form work friendships.

Diversity and inclusion: From plan to action

Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Discussing diversity initiatives is one thing—implementing them is another. How can business schools go from identifying problems to solving them? Hear from experts including Tippie's Michele Williams.
headline of business insider

Reasons why people pursue side hustles: Money, socializing, creativity

Monday, June 5, 2023
According to experts like Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang, the most common reason people take on a side hustle is for financial stability. But there are more reasons people take on extra gigs.
ambulance mass shooting scene

Managing mass casualty scenes

Friday, June 2, 2023
How first responders can better manage mass shooting and other mass casualty emergency scenes with improved communication and cooperation.
The Gazette logo

Co-working spaces offer flexibility as workers seek ‘new normal’

Sunday, May 28, 2023
Just 6 percent of 8,000 employees surveyed by Gallup last summer said they wanted to return to the office full-time, and their bosses seem to have gotten the message.
Radio Iowa logo

Younger bosses get less tolerance from employees in UI study

Monday, May 22, 2023
Tippie study finds people who have a blundering boss will give them a pass if that boss is older, but they’ll judge more harshly if the boss is younger.
Radio Iowa logo

UI professor studies loneliness in the post-pandemic workplace

Friday, May 19, 2023
Tippie's Beth Livingston is studying the importance of our work relationships and how to improve them, especially post-pandemic.
group of men with a man sitting by himself

How loneliness affects our work

Monday, May 15, 2023
The U.S. Attorney General recently launched a new initiative to combat loneliness in the United States, a phenomenon that two Tippie College of Business researchers say is having an impact in the workplace.
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Careers: Maternal instincts: Working moms search for options, balance, rewards

Saturday, May 13, 2023
While often celebrated in a societal sense, mothers who work from home often find a less revered path as individuals looking to improve their work/life balance.
frustrated worker rubbing eyes

Incompetent bosses

Monday, May 8, 2023
A new study from the Tippie College of Business finds that workers respond differently to incompetent bosses, depending on whether they are younger or older than themselves.
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Why side-hustlers are sharing their incomes

Thursday, May 4, 2023
While discussing full-time income is still uncomfortable for many workers, some side-hustlers are being totally transparent about their off-hours earnings. “Side-hustles release the ‘inner entrepreneur’ in individuals – so talking about their earnings is one way to demonstrate their success,” Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang told the BBC.

We must invest in our students’ mental health

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Dean Amy Kristof-Brown shares 5 things business school administrators can do to help students reduce stress, calm anxiety, and prioritize their emotional well-being.

2023 best & worst states for working moms

Monday, May 1, 2023
Tippie's Beth Livingston lends her expertise in this article about work-life "balance," burnout, and how states and employers can support working parents.
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Bored at work? Here’s why—and what you can do about it.

Thursday, April 20, 2023
Oftentimes, frustrated or disengaged employees will feel like their problems will be solved by finding a new job, but Tippie's Amy Colbert says that employees should only do so if they have been honest with themselves about what their current job is missing and what they hope a new job will provide. If you decide to stay in your job, here are four things that could spark interest in your work.
people disagreeing in an office

Should you go along to get along?

Monday, April 3, 2023
When should you disagree with a co-worker and when should you keep quiet? Many studies suggest workers should just let it go when they have an office disagreement, but a new study from a workplace conflict expert at the Tippie College of Business looks at circumstances when a worker is more apt to find success by speaking up and expressing disagreement.
Beth Livingston

Beth Livingston wins Faculty Communicating Ideas Award

Monday, April 3, 2023
The University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research recently announced Associate Professor Beth Livingston will receive the 2023 Faculty Communicating Ideas Award.

The equalizing power of sisterhood

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
So far, strategies to achieve gender and racial equity have been ineffective, say two management scholars. It’s time, they say, “for something new.”

Cheapest car insurance in Iowa

Monday, March 20, 2023
Tippie's Miranda J. Welbourne Eleazar lends her expertise in this article about car insurance in the state of Iowa.
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Experts say more seniors are suffering from anxiety

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Often thought of as affecting a certain age demographic, recent studies have shown that more seniors are experiencing anxiety and depression. Tippie's Yiduo Shao says approaching retirement is one of the reasons seniors are experiencing anxiety.
Inside Higher Ed

Storytelling for Business Leadership Development

Monday, March 13, 2023
In the new Story Lab at the University of Iowa business school, students learn to craft and deliver compelling stories to help them stand out when connecting with recruiters and employers, as well as future colleagues.
Financial Times logo

Spooks in your machine: rise in WFH monitoring drives dissent

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
When staff began working remotely, early in the Covid crisis, employers rushed to install monitoring systems to keep an eye on them. But researchers like Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang are now warning that these programs can make employees less productive.
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Helping nurses and employees cope with negative interactions

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Healthcare workers are dealing with a ton of burnout from the pandemic, and a lot of nurses say they're dealing with patients who just don't treat them all that well. A new study from Tippie's Amy Colbert is trying to find ways for them to cope with the extra stresses.
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UI conducts study on 'boomerang employees' reentering previous jobs

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
The 'Great Resignation' prompted many employees to quit to their jobs in pursuit of new and different ventures. Now, those employees are going back to those same positions and Tippie's Chad Van Iddekinge is studying them.
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Making the most of your third act

Friday, March 3, 2023
Retirement may sound like a relaxing dream, but it’s not an easy transition for everyone. This edition of Talk of Iowa features Tippie Assistant Professor Yiduo Shao to discuss not only when it's time to retire but also how to do it well.
An explosion of colors and words

BIG Ideas

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Tippie faculty share six suggestions that could shake up society. You may find these spot-on or absolutely bananas, but we have no doubt they’ll start some interesting conversations.
The Academic Minute

Move on from leaning in

Thursday, February 23, 2023
Women are still facing divides in the workplace. Beth Livingston, Ralph L. Sheets assistant professor of industrial relations at the Tippie college of business at the University of Iowa, has developed a way to combat this.
Higher Ed Dive logo

Interim leadership is overlooked. Here are 4 tips on doing it effectively.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Amy Kristof-Brown became a business school dean after first serving as an interim. A lack of resources for others in similar positions stood out to her.
amlia szczerba talks with nick westergaard

Tippie’s new Story Lab teaches the leaders of tomorrow how to tell their stories

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Story Lab is a new Tippie College of Business program that teaches students how to become better leaders by telling stories.
Radio Iowa logo

UI professor studies employees who return to same company after quitting

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
The phenomenon is surging now as those who left careers during the Great Resignation early in the pandemic are now rethinking their decisions. Chad Van Iddekinge, Tippie professor of management and entrepreneurship, says rehiring former workers is something of a safe bet.

You're (re)-hired!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
What can employees who left their jobs as part of the Great Resignation expect if they return to their old jobs? Chad Van Iddekinge studies these so-called boomerang employees and says employees and employers can largely expect more of the same.
nurse badge

Helping nurses cope when patients bring them down

Friday, February 10, 2023
Nurses work for the good of society, and a new study from the University of Iowa finds they are more likely to feel better about their jobs when hospitals remind them of that, according to a new study from the Tippie College of Business.
Fast Company logo

How to deal with annoying coworkers in the office

Thursday, February 2, 2023
Before you cringe too hard about your troublesome coworker, take a beat and get curious about your reactions to them, suggests Michele Williams, professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business.
Shared Sisterhood cover with plant coffee pen and notebook

Shared Sisterhood is the new Lean In

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
In the aftermath of the #MeToo movement, Babson College Associate Professor Tina Opie emailed Tippie’s Beth Livingston and brought up the question: why haven’t Black and white women made larger collective advances in the workplace? To answer that question, they wrote the book "Shared Sisterhood."
Professor Jennifer Nahrgang

Nahrgang appointed SIOP fellow

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Jennifer Nahrgang, professor of management and entrepreneurship, has been elected a fellow in the Society of Industrial Organization and Psychology (SIOP).
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Business analytics online MBA ranked among nation's best

Thursday, January 19, 2023
The Tippie College of Business’ online Iowa MBA program was ranked among the top 10% of business analytics programs nationally in the 2023 U.S. News & World Report rankings of online graduate and professional programs.

Rebranding RTO: Why companies coin names for their hybrid-work plans

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Accenture, 3M, and other companies have come up with fancy monikers for their flexible policies — but it’s not easy trying to appease workers, bosses and clients alike.
Radio Iowa logo

Stress relief tips for Iowans who are working straight through the holidays

Wednesday, December 21, 2022
While many Iowans have a big stretch of time off during the holidays, all sorts of people will be working every single day. Professor Stephen Courtright shares some suggestions on how to dial back holiday stress.
Beth Livingston and Tina Opie

Forbes recognizes book by Tippie researcher as one of year's best business books

Friday, December 16, 2022
A book co-authored by University of Iowa management and entrepreneurship assistant professor Beth Livingston has been named one of the best business books of 2022 by Forbes magazine.
Radio Iowa logo

Dealing with stress a key during the holidays

Monday, December 5, 2022
The song says this is “most wonderful time of the year,” but for many, the holidays only mean longer hours of work, heaps of bills and higher blood pressure. Professor Steve Courtright studies stress and says research finds the typical person’s stress levels bound 30- 40% during this final month of the year.
woman with gray hair looking at laptop

Aging gracefully: Workers don't always need more sick days as they age

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Yiduo Shao, assistant professor of management & entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of Business, says countries with higher per capita health care spending don’t see a significant difference in sick days taken by younger and older workers.
The Gazette logo

University of Iowa professor on avoiding fraught family debates over the holidays

Tuesday, November 22, 2022
The adage of never talking religion or politics with family and friends—especially over dinner or the holidays—is getting harder to follow these days. But a path to holiday harmony exists, according to Tippie's Michele Williams.
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How to handle an office bully

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Bullying behavior is often rooted in stereotypes and lack of information, says Yiduo Shao, professor of management at Tippie.
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Tips to avoid conversational meltdowns at the Thanksgiving dinner table

Monday, November 14, 2022
University of Iowa professor and psychologist Michele Williams says we just had the mid-term elections last week, but that’s likely something to be avoided, along with discussions about inflation, gas prices, the economy, and vaccines.
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Tech Education Is Racist—Here's How to Fix It, Experts Say

Monday, November 7, 2022
A new paper finds structural racism in academic STEM programs. The problems with education often mean obstacles to hiring minorities. Experts say the results of the report tally with their own experiences.
Iowa City Press-Citizen logo

Two University of Iowa professors lead the way to address gender gaps in publishing of research

Friday, November 4, 2022
Tippie professors Rong Su and Kang Zhao are trying to understand why gender gaps exist in scholarly research studies. They were awarded $289,000 from the NSF to find out why male researchers are published more often than women researchers.
shared sisterhood book cover

Balancing power imbalances at work

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Beth Livingston’s new book “Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work” offers a plan to change business culture.

A five-factor framework to strengthen global cooperatives

Wednesday, October 19, 2022
More than 12% of the world’s population is employed by a co-op, but because the growth of co-ops differs from one country to the next, a new study from Tippie has identified some of the factors that determine how receptive a country is to that form of organization and the role it plays in its success.
Erin Johnson

Tippie’s Erin Johnson wins the Hubbard-Walder Award for Teaching Excellence

Monday, October 17, 2022
Johnson, who teaches within the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of Business, is a versatile instructor who teaches in both the undergraduate and MBA programs, in-person and online, and in multiple content areas.
Corridor Business Journal logo

Let’s stop talking about work-life balance

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
After researching it for 20 years, Tippie's Beth Livingston has learned that work-life balance doesn’t exist. She has some tips on how to instead "manage" or "integrate" the different parts of your life.
Fast Company logo

How to take collective action for racial and gender equity at work

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
In this excerpt from Associate Professor Beth Livingston's new book, "Shared Sisterhood," the authors say we must first ‘Dig’ into our preconceptions before working to ‘Bridge’ the DEI gap.
woman picking coffee beans

New study from Tippie and Frontier Co-op on strengthening global co-ops

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Cooperative organizations play a vital role within the global economy, employing millions of workers and sustaining communities around the world. A new study from the Tippie College of Business and Iowa-based Frontier Coop can help current and future co-ops to become stronger and further their global impact. 
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5 Tips to Help CFOs Become Better Negotiators

Thursday, September 29, 2022
Experts like Tippie's Michele Williams offer tips on how to get better at negotiating both inside and outside your company.

MBA rankings rely on deeply flawed methodologies and data, business school faculty claim

Thursday, September 29, 2022
Deans and professors from business schools across the U.S. say MBA rankings disproportionately reflect business schools and place too much weight on aspects like compensation. Hear from Tippie Professor Ken Brown on the topic.
Tribune Content logo

Should you disclose your second job to your supervisor?

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
If you are holding down a second job, data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows you’re not alone. According to that data, more than 8% of workers have multiple jobs, and the majority of them hold two jobs for the entire year. The question isn’t really, “Should I have a second job?” but “Should I tell my boss that I’m working on the side?”
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How to avoid burnout as an entrepreneur and small-business owner

Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Small-business owners may be particularly at risk of burnout. Here are 3 ways to avoid and beat burnout, including writing a 'don't do' list. Hear from Michele Williams in this Business Insider story.
Two halfs of the brain

To retire well, you need to look at your life holistically

Monday, September 12, 2022
Tippie professors Amy Colbert and Erik Lie are here to help make financial and emotional readiness decisions whether you're ten, five, or just one year away from retirement.
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Tippie's Institute for International Business expands global outreach with new mission

Monday, September 12, 2022
The Institute for International Business is expanding to become Tippie's international engagement arm and the first step is a new service providing executive education to small- and medium-sized businesses in Africa and the Middle East.
stylized illustration of women hugging her knees

Tippie researcher teams with Yves St. Laurent Beauty to thwart intimate partner violence

Friday, September 2, 2022
Beth Livingston designed an online training module to help identify and assist victims
Iowa Public Radio logo

The challenges and benefits of remote work landscapes

Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Michele Williams, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of Business, shares her research into this changing workforce landscape on Iowa Public Radio's River to River program.
Corridor Business Journal logo

Tippie faculty study gender gaps in scientific research

Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Researchers from the Tippie College of Business have been awarded a $288,779 grant from the National Science Foundation to better understand why male researchers publish more papers on average and generate more citations than their female colleagues.
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Have a thriving side hustle? Here's how and when to tell your boss about it.

Monday, August 22, 2022
You've started a side hustle. (Congrats!) And it's going pretty well. (Go you!) It's probably time to tell your boss about it. (Wait, what?) Talking to your manager about your new venture might sound daunting, but experts like Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang say that it's important information to disclose.
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NSF grant to help Tippie faculty study gender gaps in scientific research

Thursday, August 18, 2022
Rong Su, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship, and Kang Zhao, associate professor of business analytics, have received a $288,779 grant from the National Science Foundation to study why more male scientists publish papers and are cited more widely than female scientists.
Interview Ace

Myers-Briggs vs. OCEAN: An industrial psychologist breaks down the differences

Friday, August 5, 2022
For a better understanding of the differences between Myers-Briggs (MBTI) and OCEAN, we reached out to a leader in the Industrial Psychology field, Dr. Emily Campion to draw upon her knowledge and expertise.
Des Moines Business Record logo

5 thoughts on business leadership, corporate social responsibility

Tuesday, July 26, 2022
While visiting the University of Iowa for the Des Moines Business Record's Fearless initiative, Editor Emily Barske sat down with Tippie Associate Professor Beth Livingston. Here are a few takeaways for business leaders related to management strategy from that interview.
Iowa City Press-Citizen logo

Do nice guys always finish last in the workplace? A University of Iowa study has an answer

Thursday, July 21, 2022
A University of Iowa researcher set out to discover whether the old adage is true, that "nice guys finish last." Her finding, after years of research? Niceness can actually help put someone ahead in the workplace.
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Twitter Has Entered the Elon Musk Twilight Zone

Monday, July 18, 2022
In the tortured deal’s alternate reality, it makes sense for the company’s leaders to try and force Musk to take over—but things will get tricky if they succeed. Tippie's Michele Williams spoke to WIRED about negotiations and what might deescalate tensions.
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This book aims to tackle gender and racial inequality at work

Friday, July 15, 2022
"Shared Sisterhood: How to Take Collective Action for Racial and Gender Equity at Work" by Tina Opie and Tippie's Beth Livingston draws from social science, organizational psychology, management research, anecdotal evidence, and the authors’ own experiences to explore the myriad ways in which racism, sexism, and xenophobia have persistently held back women and minorities at work.
Radio Iowa logo

UI study: Company stands on social issues can cut down hiring pool

Thursday, July 14, 2022
A University of Iowa study finds businesses that take public stands on political issues may drive away potential job applicants who don’t share the same views.
Images of Jeff Ohlmann, Erin Nelson, Jim Chaffee, Ann Campbell, Rob Rouwenhorst, and Daniel Newton.

Spring 2022 Tippie Instructor Awards announced

Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Six Tippie instructors have received recognition for outstanding teaching from student nominators: Jeff Ohlmann, Erin Nelson, Jim Chaffee, Ann Campbell, Rob Rouwenhorst, and Daniel Newton.
Fast Company logo

Does being nice hurt your career?

Friday, June 17, 2022
We’ve all heard the saying, “Nice guys finish last,” but is it true? While past research tended to back up the adage, Rong Su, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business, decided to retest the concept.
Jennifer Nahrgang

Nahrgang wins international scholar award

Monday, June 13, 2022
The Network of Leadership Scholars (NLS) and the International Centre of Leadership and Followership at Durham University Business School in England has awarded Tippie’s Jennifer Nahrgang the 2022 NLS Mid-Career Standout Scholar Award.
Flags from African countries

Young African business leaders return to UI for first time since 2019

Thursday, June 9, 2022
For the first time in three years, the University of Iowa is again hosting 24 young entrepreneurs from 17 sub-Saharan African countries as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, the flagship program of the Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI).
headline of business insider

Want a part-time job? Here's why Corporate America won't hire you

Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Working part-time would give workers more flexibility, but many employers are reluctant to offer it. Jennifer Nahrgang, professor of management and entrepreneurship, says too many organizations see part-timers as not fully committed. “It’s not necessarily fair and it’s not right, but there’s a stigma,” she says.

Courtright named one of nation’s top MBA professors under 40 by Poets & Quants

Monday, May 16, 2022
Stephen Courtright, professor of management and entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of Business, has been named one of the top 40 MBA professors under age 40 by the publication Poets & Quants.
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2022 Best 40-Under-40 MBA Professors: Stephen Courtright, University of Iowa Tippie College of Business

Friday, May 13, 2022
Stephen Courtright, 39, is the Henry B. Tippie Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship and Director of Executive Education at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business. He is also the founding Director of the Tippie Leadership Collaborative, which provides executive training and lifelong learning programs for organizations across Iowa and the United States.
Iowa Public Radio logo

Burnout is bad for business

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Burnout is bad for individuals and for the companies they work for and it seems to be at an all-time high right now. In this edition of Talk of Iowa, host Charity Nebbe talks with Tippie researchers to learn about burnout, some of the organizational problems that lead to burnout and how organizations can do better.

Tippie College of Business recognizes faculty and staff with 2022 collegiate awards

Monday, May 9, 2022
Each year the Tippie College of Business recognizes its faculty and staff with collegiate awards for excellence in teaching, research, and service. The 2022 award winners were announced at a ceremony on May 4, 2022.

Su one of five recipients of inaugural UI Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Award

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Rong Su, associate professor of management and entrepreneurship and Pioneer Research Fellow in the Tippie College of Business, has been named one of the five inaugural recipients of a University of Iowa Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Award.
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Here’s Why the Best Workers Leave Companies, While the Worst Ones Stay

Friday, April 22, 2022
Bad news for companies: Your best employees will not stand for your crap. Even worse news for companies: Your worst employees absolutely will stand for your crap. That’s basically the takeaway from an interesting new study out of the University of Iowa, and it has implications for every organization and its workers.

Office frustrations more likely to cause proactive employees to leave; less proactive employees will take it

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
A new study from the Tippie College of Business finds office politics and other workplace hindrances are apt to compel more proactive employees to leave for new work, while less proactive workers are more likely to take it.

Researcher asks entrepreneurs how they balance ethics while building their business

Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes' recent fraud conviction made researcher Miranda Welbourne-Eleazar wonder how entrepreneurs approach ethical decisions.
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Nahrgang studies show side gigs help full-time jobs

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Studies by Jennifer Nahrgang show that people who have a side hustle--or second job that they work because they're interested in it--often perform better at their main job.

Colbert receives Board of Regents faculty excellence honor

Thursday, February 17, 2022
Amy Colbert, professor of management & entrepreneurship, was one of six UI faculty who were honored by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, for their exceptional contributions and sustained record of excellence.

Tippie expert: spark dialogues, not debates this holiday season

Monday, December 20, 2021
Relationship expert Michele Williams is urging families to start having conversations about your get-togethers now to avoid in-fighting over the holidays. She says the key is to make sure those discussions are dialogues—not debates.

UI research finds employees less likely to work with politically-opposed companies

Monday, November 29, 2021
New research from the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business' Chad Van Iddekinge shows prospective employees’ political beliefs factor into their job applications, including a reluctance to work with companies who have different political opinions from their own.

New research shows side hustles can boost full-time job performance

Monday, November 29, 2021
The study, co-authored by a University of Iowa professor, finds those engaging in gig work on the side such as Uber, Airbnb, or Etsy are likely to see a positive increase in performance at their full-time jobs.

Study: Company partisanship hurts hiring

Thursday, November 18, 2021
From Chick-fil-A to Starbucks, more corporations and CEOs are addressing social and political issues, especially as millennials and Gen Z pressure them to take public stances. Yes, but: Those stances are a double-edged sword when it comes to hiring talent, especially in our current workforce shortage, according to a new study from the University of Iowa.

Tippie expert explains how to keep conversations civil this holiday season

Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The holiday season is just around the corner, but there is worry divisive topics may ruin family gatherings. A 2018 poll from the Associated Press and NORC showed that 9 percent of family gatherings were ruined by disagreements over politics. Topics like politics and religion have always been tough dinner table topics, but University of Iowa’s Dr. Michelle Williams says there is a new hot button...

Tippie expert discusses how to handle vaccination talk during the holidays

Thursday, November 11, 2021
It’s long been said you should never discuss religion or politics in polite company, but a third topic is being added to the list this holiday season: vaccinations. Many Iowans are planning their first big family meals in a few years, and University of Iowa professor and psychologist Michele Williams says if you’re concerned some family members may endanger others, you’ll need to speak up.

Robots are taking clerical jobs, too, studies show

Sunday, November 7, 2021
Tippie College of Business researchers take a closer look.

Companies taking political stands might miss out on top talent

Friday, November 5, 2021
As more businesses stake out political positions on hot button issues, a new study from a researcher at the Tippie College of Business finds they might be making it difficult to recruit top employees because a significant number of job seekers consider those positions when deciding where to apply.

How a side hustle can boost performance at your regular job

Monday, November 1, 2021
A new study shows that moonlighting lifts your mood—and your effectiveness from 9 to 5.

What if it never gets easier to be a working parent?

Monday, November 1, 2021
The shock of the pandemic threw care taking arrangements into disarray. Many families find themselves back in the same precarious arrangement they had before, with the burden still on mothers.

Immoral entrenchment: Study shows firms more likely to fight recalls when product causes injury or death

Friday, October 29, 2021
Firms that face a recall notice are more apt to fight the order if it involves the injury or death of people using the product, according to a researcher at the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business.

There's value in going to the office, but some people love working from home

Thursday, October 28, 2021
Michele Williams of the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business joins Ben Kieffer on Iowa Public Radio to talk about the future of the office, why the office matters, how employees can negotiate working from home after the pandemic, and how managers have been trying to foster a virtual company culture.

Tippie's Michele Williams talks about why there's an increase in Americans quitting their jobs

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
As days pass, U.S. citizens are learning new ways to adapt to the constantly changing economy. The most recent change is the number of laborers available in the workforce. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the amount of Americans quitting their jobs increased in August by 4.3 million. Dr. Michele Williams, an Assistant Professor of Management in Entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of...

Tippie research looks to maximize supervisor, remote worker productivity

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
A $1.1 million grant from the CDC will help researchers in the UI colleges of business and public health investigate how to maximize productivity while maintaining worker wellbeing in remote work environments over the next five years.

UI professors study AI's effect on office work

Tuesday, October 19, 2021
A $150,000 National Science Foundation grant went to a cross-disciplinary effort to learn the impact of AI on clerical jobs, including Assistant Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship Beth Livingston.

Tippie grant from CDC will help businesses better manage home-based workers

Monday, October 18, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic gave Americans a taste of working from that many want to continue, so researchers at the Tippie College of Business are developing new techniques to help even the smallest organization more effectively manage their home-based workforce.

How to rebuild trust in your relationships

Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Since trust is fundamental to relationships, trying to restore the feeling once it's lost might seem impossible. But if you're the offender in a breakdown of trust, know that all hope might not be lost. Hear from Tippie's Michele Williams and other trust and relationship experts in this CNN article.

$1 million CDC grant to help researchers improve work from home management

Monday, October 4, 2021
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded a $1.1 million grant to the Tippie College of Business and the Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest in the College of Public Health. Researchers will use the five-year grant to investigate better methods of training supervisors to manage employees who work remotely.

How to make informal leadership work

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang and coauthors' research on strategies to help both formal managers and informal leaders reap the benefits of informal leadership while minimizing its negative side effects was recently summarized in Harvard Business Review.
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New Discoveries And The Future Of The Office

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Iowa Public Radio's Ben Kieffer speaks with Michele Williams about the future of the office, why the office matters, how employees can negotiate working from home after the pandemic and how managers have been trying to foster a virtual company culture.

UI to study automation impact on clerical work

Monday, September 20, 2021
Automation is changing everyone’s jobs, even secretaries and receptionists, office assistants, and mailroom clerks. But while numerous studies and think pieces have thought about how automation is affecting factory workers, engineers, or truck drivers, few have looked at how artificial intelligence will change clerical jobs. A $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to...

NSF grant will study how automation affects clerical work

Friday, September 17, 2021
Automation is changing everyone’s jobs, even the secretaries and receptionists, office assistants and mail room clerks, but no major study has looked at how clerical work will be affected by technology. A $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to researchers at the Tippie College of Business will start the process of answering those questions.

Stop screening job candidates’ social media

Thursday, September 2, 2021
Social media sites such as Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram have given many organizations a new hiring tool. According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70% of employers check out applicants’ profiles as part of their screening process, and 54% have rejected applicants because of what they found. Social media sites offer a free, easily accessed portrait of what a candidate is really like, yielding a...

Faculty mourn the loss of former Tippie professor Frank Schmidt

Thursday, September 2, 2021
Frank Schmidt, former emeritus professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business, died from a heart attack on Aug. 21 at 77. Faculty at Tippie College of Business are remembering the legacy of an impactful faculty member recorded as an incredibly impactful scholar in his field.

Professor emeritus Frank Schmidt dies at 77

Monday, August 23, 2021
Frank Schmidt, emeritus professor of management & entrepreneurship at the Tippie College of Business and one of the University of Iowa’s most cited researchers, died suddenly of a heart attack on Saturday, Aug. 21.

Courtright joins Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Stephen Courtright earned his PhD from the Tippie College of Business and returned in 2020 after eight years at Texas A&M University to become the Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Management and Director of Executive Education.

Van Iddekinge joins the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Friday, August 13, 2021
Chad Van Iddekinge joined the Tippie College of Business from Florida State University in 2020 as the Henry B. Tippie Research Professor of Management. Van Iddekinge’s research focuses on how organizations make staffing decisions and how those decisions affect job applicants and the quality and diversity of a firm’s workforce.

Park wins best dissertation-based paper

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Tippie Assistant Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship Semin Park was chosen for the best dissertation-based paper at the 2021 Academy of Management meeting. Her paper was titled: "The Impact of Individual Conflict Experiences on Proximal Task Performance in A Multi-Team Context." Park earned her Ph.D. in management from the University of Connecticut in 2019 and researches conflict management...

Nahrgang joins the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Jennifer Nahrgang joined the Tippie College of Business from Arizona State University in 2020 as the Palmer Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship. Her research focuses on leadership processes and leadership development, team dynamics and effectiveness, employee voice and engagement, and the future world of work. She currently serves as associate editor for Personnel Psychology.

Van Iddekinge wins Best Paper Award

Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Personnel Psychology awarded Professor Chad Van Iddekinge the Best Paper Award for his paper titled, “A meta-analysis of the criterion-related validity of prehire work experience.” Finalists for the award are nominated based on the number of downloads from PPSYCH website, Google Scholar citations, and ratings of the article’s contributions to research on people at work. Authors include Chad H. Van...

Hosmanek appointed to Iowa Supreme Court commission

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Andrew Hosmanek, associate professor of instruction in the Tippie College of Business, has been appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court’s Grievance Commission by Chief Justice Susan Christensen.

Study finds social class has impact on job search fortunes of new college grads

Thursday, July 15, 2021
A new study from the University of Iowa shows that out of equally qualified college graduates, some get a head start in the job market based on their social class.

The Great Resignation

Friday, July 9, 2021
The American economy is opening back up and millions of workers are responding with… a giant shrug. Millions are quitting their jobs to find something new, a phenomenon that analysts like Tippie’s Stephen Courtright are calling the “the great resignation.” How to prepare your company.

Stay in your lane? When to take on tasks that are outside of your job description

Thursday, July 8, 2021
The phrase “stay in your lane” is commonly used to affirm the importance of doing your assigned tasks and only your assigned tasks. But if you see an important task that needs to be done that isn’t your responsibility, should you do it?

The Great Resignation – concern or catalyst?

Thursday, July 8, 2021
Imagine if 25% of your workforce quit tomorrow. Labor statistics and numerous surveys point to one thing – a significant portion of employees are ready to give notice. Dubbed the Great Resignation, this wave of departures is sweeping across virtually every industry.

Radio Iowa: Tippie's Stephen Courtright on what is leading some workers to quit jobs

Monday, June 28, 2021
With the long pandemic coming to a gradual end, many Iowans are considering job changes—and even career changes—as we begin to emerge from the months of isolation. Stephen Courtright, a professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa, says COVID-19 has forced many professionals to sit tight and ride it out but now, they’re getting the itch to make a move.

Millions of Americans quitting their jobs during ‘The Great Resignation’

Monday, June 28, 2021
They’re calling it “The Great Resignation.” Nearly four million Americans quit their jobs in April. That’s the highest total ever and nearly double the number who quit a year ago. The number of people quitting is adding to the labor shortages companies are facing. Tippie Professor Stephen Courtright says people are using the pandemic as a time to reset.

The great resignation: Business experts say Iowans are job hunting right now

Thursday, June 24, 2021
New numbers from the state show Iowa's unemployment rate ticked up slightly in May to 3.9%. That's up from 3.8% in April. Right now, Iowa is seeing some of the lowest unemployment numbers - with the national rate at 5.8%. While some Iowans are unemployed, the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business is hearing from industry leaders who say a lot of people are also job hunting or are looking...

Tippie Leadership Collaborative streamlines partnerships between business community and University of Iowa

Thursday, May 27, 2021
Whether in person or virtual, the Tippie Leadership Collaborative can come to you. Past and current clients, locations highlighted in yellow, are found all over the United States.

Erin Johnson wins Tippie College’s Instructional-track Collegiate Teaching Award

Thursday, May 20, 2021
Erin Johnson, Associate Professor of Instruction, received the Tippie College’s Collegiate Teaching Award for instructional-track faculty at the college’s annual faculty/staff recognition event. The Collegiate Teaching Award recognizes excellence in teaching and each of the college’s six academic departments nominates a faculty member for the award. A committee of former Collegiate Instructional...

The burdens of informal leadership

Friday, May 14, 2021
Ambitious employees in informal leadership roles can get burned out when they don’t receive support from their bosses, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management in collaboration with Tippie's Jennifer Nahrgang.

The future of work

Thursday, May 13, 2021
We asked our faculty experts your most pressing questions as we reimagine the post-pandemic workplace.

The future of work

Thursday, May 13, 2021
We asked our faculty experts your most pressing questions as we reimagine the post-pandemic workplace.

Six Iowa leaders on pay inequity, salary transparency

Monday, March 29, 2021
The gender wage gap and pay equity are large, complex issues that can’t be solved by a silver bullet. But experts, including Tippie's Beth Livingston, agree that the best way to start addressing them is by talking about it and acknowledging that it exists.

Study finds your social media post impacts your job search

Monday, March 29, 2021
A University of Iowa study finds things you post on social media could prevent you from getting your dream job, even though it’s a fuzzy, gray area for potential employers to be scouring your online accounts.

The Hawkeye connection: Best friends and Tippie alumni both find jobs at Cameo

Friday, March 12, 2021
Two University of Iowa alum who were best friends in undergraduate are now coworkers at the same entertainment company, Cameo, and attest their success to connections made through the university.

University of Iowa Native American Leadership Academy deals with technology difficulties, adds support

Monday, March 8, 2021
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Iowa's Native American Leadership Academy has adapted to Zoom to ensure their participants feel comfortable and develop trusting relationships. Tippie Professor Amy Colbert assists the public-health college with the leadership program. She joined the program in 2019 and helps program participants with leadership, personal development, and...

Celebrating Women Virtually: programming provided to empower for International Women’s Day and Month

Monday, March 8, 2021
University of Iowa organizations and institutions are providing programming that focuses on leadership and self-preservation throughout March in celebration of International Women’s Day and Month.

How core team members affect team performance

Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Modern workplaces increasingly use crew-based teams—groups of individuals who fill different roles and are brought together to complete a task. However, a new study from the Tippie College of Business suggests that experience with the core member of the team—or the team member that is more central to the workflow—is critical for successful performance.

Intimate partner violence is a workplace issue

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Intimate partner violence, or IPV, is often perceived as a private occurrence; in reality, it also affects virtually every aspect of a victim’s life, including their work life. Tippie's Beth Livingston researched what role organizations can play in the understanding and prevention of IPV. Data shows that work is one of the few spaces where people feel they can seek help, and that colleagues may be...
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Study finds employers’ reviews of job applicants’ social media fraught with problems

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
A new study from Tippie researcher Chad Van Iddekinge suggests that reviewing job applicants’ social media sites may not be an effective way to assess the candidates, and doing so may also conflict with federal employment law.

UI colleges of business and public health partner with Native American tribes to develop programming

Thursday, February 18, 2021
Tippie Professor Amy Colbert is working with a program in the university’s College of Public Health that partners with Native American tribes to develop new programs addressing mental health and addiction needs in local communities.

The overlooked key to leading through chaos

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Ask executives to list traits of great leaders and they will probably name vision, honesty, or the ability to execute change. Rarely mentioned is one critical capability that leaders need most in turbulent times: sensemaking, the ability to create and update maps of a complex environment in order to act more effectively in it.

Should you rehire an employee who left your company?

Monday, February 8, 2021
These days, it’s common for people to work for many employers over the course of their careers. When an employee who previously left your company tries to come back, how do you determine whether or not you should rehire them? Research from Tippie's Chad Van Iddekinge shows rehiring these “boomerang” employees can come with some benefits.

Multiple faculty ranked top 2% of world’s researchers in Stanford study

Tuesday, January 26, 2021
A number of Tippie faculty were recognized in a recent study published by Stanford University researchers using a new scholarly citation impact measure to identify the top 100,000 most impactful scientific researchers, along with those in the top 2% of their academic subfield. Indices were calculated based on lifetime scholarly impact and impact during the year 2019.

Stop making excuses for toxic bosses

Tuesday, January 19, 2021
If you’ve ever worked for a toxic boss, you know how damaging it can be. So should you forgive a manager who tries to make amends for their bad behavior?

Why capable people are reluctant to lead

Thursday, December 17, 2020
All too often, promising employees fail to step up when leadership opportunities arise. What is it that holds so many people back? The authors describe new research that sheds light on three of the most common perceived risks that are associated with leadership: the risk to your interpersonal relationships, the risk to your image, and the risk of being blamed for failure.

Get a grip: The science of a handshake

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
University of Iowa professor Greg Stewart and Body Language Institute’s Janine Driver share handshake tips and first impression do’s and don’ts that can make or break an interview.

Inside the 'bossless' office, where the team takes charge

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
The hierarchical hassles of the modern workplace are starting to fade, with a cultural move toward flat or "bossless" offices.

Experience is useless for predicting a new hire's performance

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
It sounds totally outlandish, but that's exactly what a massive new review of 81 studies found. Simply checking for past experience will tell you next to nothing about how a candidate will perform at your company, study co-author Chad Van Iddekinge says. Read more in Inc.

Goodbye handshake: How do we replace the ancient greeting if coronavirus keeps us from touching?

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
With the coronavirus pandemic making human touch a potentially lethal act since the virus can be transmitted with skin contact, handshaking has suddenly become socially unacceptable. Tippie Professor Greg Stewart weighs in on whether it will come back or not in USA Today.

Make your side hustle work

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
We live in the era of the side hustle. Nearly 44 million U.S. workers are currently running a variety of side hustles ranging from driving for ride-sharing companies, renting out their houses, or selling handcrafts online. But how can you manage a side hustle in a way that brings maximum benefits without affecting your full-time job?

The Gazette: A conversation with UI assistant professor Beth Livingston

Wednesday, December 16, 2020
University of Iowa Tippie College of Business assistant professor Beth Livingston has spent 15 years studying spousal/partner negotiation, and she’s a frequent human resources consultant for local businesses. Her background makes her uniquely qualified to offer advice for individuals and companies navigating the new—and sometimes tough—work arrangements created as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic...

Building authenticity and connection among diverse members of your workforce

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Calls for societal change from people of color around the country have created ripple effects in workplaces big and small. The Black Lives Matter movement in particular has provided new impetus for managers to invigorate positive connections with employees who come from different racial and cultural backgrounds and may be experiencing hurt and loss in ways that require special support.

The Daily Iowan: Amy Kristof-Brown named new dean of University of Iowa Tippie College of Business

Saturday, November 21, 2020
Since serving as interim dean of the college beginning in March, Amy Kristof-Brown, who has been a faculty member within the college for over 20 years, will take on the role as the new dean beginning Dec. 1.

Amy Kristof-Brown named dean of the Tippie College of Business

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Today, Amy Kristof-Brown has been named dean of the Tippie College of Business, pending approval of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Kristof-Brown has been serving as the college’s interim dean since March 2020 and will begin her new role on December 1, 2020.

When your boss is making nice, they might be faking nice

Thursday, November 12, 2020
Your boss yelled at you in a staff meeting, embarrassing you in front of your co-workers before later apologizing to make nice. But a new study from the University of Iowa suggests your boss’ apology might be more about faking nice than making nice.

University of Iowa Tippie College of Business creates new DEI position

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
As a part of its action plan and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative, the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business created a new faculty fellow position and named Michele Williams as the first person to take on the role.

Study investigates how we invest meaning in our daily work

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Managers should give their employees room to do their jobs in a way that gives them meaning, as they’ll get more buy in and productivity from workers who feel called to their work.

Brown receives top academic honor

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
In the world of academia, the success of research faculty is heavily based on how many times their work is cited by their peers. Kenneth Brown, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Program at the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business recently received the 2020 Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) Decade Award, one of the top academic honors in his field.

Tippie promotes Williams and Rivera to DEI positions

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The Tippie College of Business has created two new positions to help the college meet key strategic goals around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

Bored at work: workers who feel overqualified are more likely to look for new jobs

Monday, August 24, 2020
Businesses want talented, ambitious people working for them, but a new study from the University of Iowa finds that if those workers are stuck in a job they feel they’re overqualified for, they’re more apt to start looking for a new job.
Gateway students

Tippie Gateway opens doors for participants

Thursday, July 9, 2020
Tippie Gateway started in 2015 to recruit populations underrepresented in business – women as well as first-generation, LGBTQ+, and students of color. It’s important to reach out to these students early – so that they take the necessary math requirements needed for college and/or business school. Many Tippie Gateway participants are entering their senior year of high school and still have time to...

How can you manage your kids' social media use?

Monday, July 6, 2020
Meghann Foster and Nick Westergaard, parents and University of Iowa social media experts, share tips to help families decide whether their children are ready for online accounts.

Tina Opie and Tippie Assistant Professor Beth Livingston on challenging racism in the everyday

Thursday, June 11, 2020
In the weeks since the police killing of George Floyd, there has been something of a national reckoning in the United States on the pervasive racism that runs through American society — not just in the realm of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, but also expanding to questions about inequality in civil society, education, the workplace, and more.

Tippie student athlete Jason Kerst receives top honor

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
A senior member of the Iowa Men’s Tennis team, Jason Kerst (BBA20), was recently awarded the Robert F. Ray Faculty Representative Award for outstanding academic excellence, athletic excellence, and leadership.

Keeping the wheels on the bus

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
James Hughes (BBA20) is one of the student employees at CAMBUS that are making sure transportation is not a barrier for University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) health care workers.

The future of work

Friday, April 10, 2020
On this edition of Iowa Public Radio's River to River, Ben Kieffer is joined by Michele Williams and Daniel Newton from the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business to discuss our new work-from-home world and how work might change in a post-pandemic world.

UI professor researches how to cope with the stress of working from home

Friday, April 10, 2020
Beth Livingston, an assistant professor from the Tippie College of Business, created YouTube videos that share the results of her research on how people can cope with the managerial and organizational stress of working from home with the community.

Out of this world tips for working in isolation

Thursday, April 2, 2020
For about five years, Daniel Newton has been studying how astronauts work in isolation aboard the International Space Station. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Iowa professor realized his research was becoming more relevant to him and those he knows.

What if this was your last paycheck?

Thursday, April 2, 2020
Experts like assistant professor Michele Williams offer advice for those who lose their job during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who's in charge of the kids when both parents are working from home?

Monday, March 23, 2020
Tippie assistant professor Beth Livingston is quoted in this Iowa City Press-Citizen article about how day care and school closures affect families. Livingston has a background in researching gender wage gaps and how spouses negotiate labor within a family.

Virtual Pomerantz Business Library resources are available

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
During this time of virtual only instruction, the Pomerantz Business Library encourages students to continue accessing library resources through remote services.

Information for Tippie-affiliated student organizations regarding COVID-19

Friday, March 13, 2020
As you have heard, following the identification of COVID-19 cases in Johnson County, the University of Iowa is suspending face-to-face instruction for two weeks following spring break. The university will move to virtual instruction beginning March 23, 2020, and continue remotely through at least April 3, 2020. To align with this decision and proactively maintain the health and safety of our...

Important Tippie-specific updates regarding COVID-19

Thursday, March 12, 2020
First and foremost, our desire is to curb the spread of this virus and to maintain the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. Your primary resource for the most up-to-date information is the university’s COVID-19 website. You can also find Tippie-specific frequently asked questions on our FAQ website.

Kid concerns kill creativity, career

Friday, March 6, 2020
Career-driven workers focused on promotion may unwittingly hold themselves back with a “creativity tax” they pay through concern for their family’s well-being, a new study from the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business finds.

Tippie teams dominate diversity and business ethics case competition

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Student teams from the Tippie College of Business placed first and third at the Fifth Annual Diversity and Business Ethics Case Competition hosted by the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder.

When the boss is sick of your complaining

Thursday, February 13, 2020
Employees are often advised to frame conversations with their bosses as offering solutions to workplace problems instead of just pointing out what isn’t working, lest they earn a reputation as a squeaky wheel.

With $900K NASA grant, University of Iowa professor researches how astronauts stay focused during missions

Monday, February 10, 2020
Read the Gazette's coverage of Associate Professor Daniel Newton's research backed by a $900,000 grant from NASA.

Cross-training first responders; a solution to EMT attacks

Monday, February 10, 2020
Watch KWWL's coverage of Associate Professor Semin Park's research about ways to improve safety for EMTs.

Tippie adopts United Nations sustainability goals

Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Tippie College of Business recently became the first University of Iowa college to adopt the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education — a global movement to strengthen sustainability through education.

A hack for improved EMT safety

Friday, January 24, 2020
A researcher at the University of Iowa recently participated in a unique project to improve safety for emergency medical technicians (EMT).

Tippie adopts U.N. sustainability-focused education initiative

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Joining a growing global movement, the Tippie College of Business has officially signed the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), a United Nations-supported initiative to raise the profile of sustainability in universities, and equip business students to become drivers of corporate sustainability.